Friday, December 31, 2010

I Don't Know

The other day I was having a conversation with someone who had question after question. They were expecting me to give them answers and quite honestly I didn't have many. My response was repeatedly, "I don't know."

A few days later I had some questions of my own. Frustration began to loom over me and I directed my question(s) to God. What I heard back from Him was simply, "Amy, you don't have to have all the answers."

When I first heard His reply I thought to myself, "ok, great, God says I don't have to have all the answers, now what?" The frustration lifted, but it took a few days for the freedom to come.

I am a huge proponent of self talk, so over the course of the next week I repeatedly said over myself, "Amy, you don't have to have all the answers." The more I said it, the better it sounded and the more freedom it released.

Yesterday, a sweet friend called and wanted to meet for lunch. She was facing some decisions and was somewhat confused about what direction to take. As I was preparing to go meet with her I was talking with Jesus. I told Jesus I was concerned that I didn't have any answers to give her, in fact I only had more questions.

Jesus gently responded to me, "Amy, you don't have to have all the answers." He then went on to reveal to me how the best teachers are not those who lay out all the facts and tell you what conclusion to come to, but rather those who lay out the material and then pose questions to you by which you are led to the answers through discovery.

Before leaving to go to lunch I jumped onto my Facebook to post this as my status: "You don't have to have all the answers. God gave me this word several days ago and I realized this morning it was not just for me, but to be shared."

It never made it to my status, because I heard Holy Spirit say I needed to share this word through a blog here we are.

As we prepare to enter into a new year I am sure each of you have questions of your own. It is my prayer for myself and for each one reading this that 2011 would be a year of learning to trust God more, following His leading and laying on His chest when things look uncertain or a little scary.

Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."

Our Papa God has ALL the answers and He is waiting for us to come to Him....He wants to reveal His secrets to you and to me. Knowing it is my Abba Daddy's desire to share His heart intimately with me makes my soul sing!

I want to leave you with a song by Kristene Mueller (DiMarco) Happy New Year to each of you, my friends and blog family!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sarcasm Exposed

"Ever been engaged in a conversation with someone and you were attempting to disclose your deepest feelings only to have them deflect your sincerity with sarcasm? Their response to your disclosure was exposure."

This quote is taken from a blog post I read yesterday by Randall Worley. It spoke to my heart so poignantly I shared a link to it on my Facebook. I have been mulling it over in my heart and mind ever since. I wanted to share with you what Holy Spirit has revealed to me through the words given to Randall.

Someday I hope to blog about a concept I will refer to as spiritual mirrors. In short a spiritual mirror is something the Lord uses to reveal to you something about you that needs refining to look more like Jesus. It is a mirror because it is usually revealed to me through another person. What you find most aggravating about someone's personality is sometimes a mirror to something you also do. OUCH! Yes, I know, it hurts.

Randall's post on incessant sarcasm is a spiritual mirror for me. Allow me to explain. I have often been hurt by sarcasm. Maybe you have thick skin and aren't effected by sarcasm. Not me. I am a feeler and my vulnerability and transparency can often leave me as a target for what Randall refers to in the opening quote as "disclosure exposure."

I could end this post here and it would be enough, but there is more and I would be remiss not to be vulnerable and transparent with you. I would like to be able to write that I had only been a victim of sarcasm, but alas, I am afraid this is the "mirror" part...I have also been guilty of dealing out my fair share of incessant sarcasm. Yes, I have hurt others in an attempt to make myself more comfortable. OUCH!

To those of you reading this post that know me, if I have hurt or offended you with sarcasm, please except my sincerest, most heart-felt apologies. This is an area I have now submitted to the Lord for refining and pruning. It is never acceptable to use sarcasm to bring pain, one-upmanship or to avoid being "real."

A friend shared with me the Greek word from which we derive the word sarcasm from:

σαρκάζω (sarkazo) which means 'to tear flesh.'

Has your heart ever been torn by sarcastic comments? Have you been guilty of wielding such comments that tear flesh? I think most of us could answer yes to both questions, although some have more of a struggle in this area than others.

Randall is the type of blogger I hope to become someday...he blogs almost daily and his blogs most always invite me to contemplate deeper things with God. I invite you to check out his blog, but be advised he isn't your mainstream pastor/writer. He goes deep into the things of God...often times making one question theology so readily accepted in the mainstream church.

Going deeper with God makes My Soul Sing! Now, if you dare, go read the post that inspired this one here.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

All I Need

I have been completely captivated by the song titled, "Child of God" by Kathryn Scott. Seriously, it's been on repeat on the cd player the past few days. This morning as I was driving to the ministry center where I serve I had "Child of God" blaring through the speakers. I was singing at the top of my lungs, "Father, You're all I need. Father, You're all I need. Father, You're all I need." I was feeling it deep down in my spirit where deep cries out to deep and it's here where I heard Him say to me, "Amy, you're all I need."

WOW! Grab this girl a box of tissue! There is nothing more precious or tender my Abba Daddy could have spoken to me! "Amy, you're all I need." My Daddy needs me, just as I need Him. He wants me and He wants you too!

Papa God continued to speak gently to me. He said,

"Daughter, so many of My children try to earn My love. They serve. They busy themselves. They get buried in the details. They miss the point of their creation. I made you (and all of My children) just to BE with me. You were made for fellowship with Me. To sit in My lap and allow Me to pour My love into you. My love isn't something to be earned. You can't become any more worthy than you already are. My son, Jesus, paid for you to be worthy."

I know many people who are serving themselves to death, but are still lacking an intimate relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They wonder why they can't seem to overcome, asking themselves the questions, "what am I doing wrong? Aren't I serving enough? Why do I still feel this way?"

I can certainly relate, I asked these same questions. It felt like I was never getting anywhere, just going in circles. Then I heard Him calling my name, saying, "come up here. Sit in my lap and allow Me to tell you how I feel about you." I don't recall the date or day of the week I finally accepted His invitation, but it has forever changed my life.

He is extending the same invitation to you. Need help getting started? I've included the lyrics to the song below and a link to listen here. Close your eyes, turn your heart to the Father and listen to these words, I guarantee you He will minister to your heart...accept His invitation today. Knowing His love through experiencing it makes MY SOUL SING! I pray your soul is singing too! "Papa God, I pray each person who reads this post and listens to this song would have a love encounter with You. Fill them up with more of Your presence. May they find rest for their souls in the security of Your lap. In Jesus name, AMEN!"

Child of God

With every breath with every thought
From what is seen to the deepest part
I offer all that I've come to be
To know your love fathering me

Father, You're all I need
My souls sufficiency
My strength when I am weak
The love that carries me
You arms enfold me
Till I am only
A child of God

With every step on this journey's walk
And wisdom's songs that the soul has sought
I give my self unreservedly
To know your love fathering me

Father, You're all I need
My souls sufficiency
My strength when I am weak
The love that carries me
Your arms enfold me till I am only
A child of God