Monday, March 22, 2010

Whatcha Thinking?

"What's On Your Mind?"

That's the question on every Facebooker's wall. In a little box at the top you have a chance to tell your friends in Facebook land what is on your mind. Also known as a status. So, whatcha thinking?

Well, it got me to thinking...and whenever I start thinking too much it is likely whatever thoughts are in my head will end up written here as a blog post...and, so here we are again:)

As much as I have shared with you about my journey to freedom, there is much left to share. Today I want to talk about our thought life and the power of our minds.

I am sure you've heard it said the battle is in our mind and this statement couldn't be more true. The mind is where the enemy wages war against us.

To sum up the power of our thoughts I love how Larry Randolph puts it...

"Your thoughts become words. Words create attitude. Attitude determines your well being. Well being influences conduct. And conduct determines the shape of your destiny."

Do you see how it all begins with mere thoughts?

One of my favorite sayings is, "what we focus on we empower." In Kris Valloton's book "The Supernatural Ways of Royalty" he says, "We tend to reproduce what we feast our thoughts upon." So, if you feast upon criticism, you will produce negativity. If you feast upon profanity, you will utter profanities. If you feast upon worry, your environment will be one of anxiety. These are just a few examples.

Proverbs 23:7 says, "For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." (NKJV) Yes, there is a definite connection with our thoughts and what is empowered in our lives.

We are instructed in 2 Corinthians 10:5 "To take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." This is how Paul instructs us to overcome strongholds. When we feast on negative thoughts and thoughts contrary to the Word of God we empower the enemy to work in our lives.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to give satan any power over me! You may be wondering how your thought life can empower the enemy. One area in which the enemy gains ground through our thoughts is in thwarting our destiny.

If we believe lies about God and lies about ourselves we will never fully walk in our God given destiny here on earth. When we feast on such lies, we will empower them.

For example: I believed for years I had nothing important to say. Since I didn't finish college I believed I wasn't educated enough to speak. In public settings such as Sunday school class, Bible study, etc. I would have answers, but would never voice them out of fear of being wrong and thus being ridiculed. The enemy would whisper to me, "you are stupid and no one wants to hear what you have to say."

During one of my many inner healing sessions this lie came to the surface. Through the facilitator of my session and the Voice of Truth (Jesus) I realized part of my destiny was my voice. God had gifted me in the area of writing and teaching! I couldn't do either without a "voice!" The enemy had successfully disqualified me in my mind!

Of course what the enemy intended for harm, God will work together for good...this blog is part of the fruit of me receiving my "voice!" If God hadn't revealed this lie at work in my life My Soul Sings would never have become a reality!

This is just one example of where lie based thinking effected my life personally. I could write post after post exposing lies I have personally believed. The fact is Jesus is still revealing them to me...part of working out my salvation will include conforming my mind to think like His. In order to think like Him the lies have to go! This process will last the rest of my life, until I see Jesus face to face!

In the meantime I must choose to feast on the Truth. The more I discover the character and nature of God the more ungodly thinking is displaced.

It is my desire to view life through supernatural lenses, when everything around me is looking at the natural. I assure you God isn't up on His throne ringing His hands anxiously because of what is going on in this world.

No, I believe He is patiently waiting for us as believers to realize our identity, authority and power here on earth. To take dominion over the enemy using our God given inheritances and identities. This will only be accomplished through prayer and empowering truth in our lives.

Bill Johnson puts it this way, "I can't afford to think differently about my life than God does."

I love to write posts which expose the accuser of the brethren for the liar he is. This is a subject you will see addressed often here. If you are interested in uncovering what ungodly beliefs (lies) are at work in your life I urge you to ask Jesus. If you don't know where to start you can begin with identifying lies you have believed about Father God.

The Father's Love Letter can help you with this. You can listen and/or read this beautiful love letter to YOU here. These are truths about how Father God sees you straight from the Bible.

As you listen or read if you come across one that doesn't feel true to your heart, although you know it to be true in your head, ask the Holy Spirit to identify the lie in place. Break agreement with the lie and meditate on the Truth. If helpful, post the scripture on your bathroom mirror and read it aloud several times a day, until it sinks into your spirit and you can fully believe it with all your heart.

Setting your thoughts on things above and focusing on God's Truth will take you to places of victory you didn't imagine possible until heaven. Never in my life have I lived from such a place of peace as I do now. I attribute this to my focus being on God and His promise found in Isaiah 26:3. Living with a mindset of "on earth as it is in heaven" is another reason My Soul Sings!

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