Tuesday, March 30, 2010
God's presence isn't something I have always been familiar with...I had what some might call encounters from time to time, but never were they something I expected or even something I knew I could pursue.
Well, let me tell you, I know now and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, better than being still and listening, waiting and encountering a very real, very alive, very active God! I now unapologetically pursue God encounters as often as possible!
I want to blog more in the future about the presence of God and how dwelling there is a place of peace and continual refreshing. But for this post I wanted to share a story from my life which made me reflect on how I feel when I'm in His presence. I hope it encourages you to find your "sweet" spot with Daddy God, or perhaps re-locate it if you've lost touch with Him.
Juliana, my younger daughter, is a little lover. Physical touch is her love language all the way! Her favorite place to be is in a lap snuggled close...which is no problem for me, seriously, her cheeks are scrum-delish! She is ten and I still eat on them:)
While she is a snuggler, a morning person she is NOT. Mornings around here consist of lighting a fire under her to get her going! If my first born is a hare, well Juliana is certainly my tortoise...hopefully you are familiar with the children's story of the tortoise and the hare, otherwise you have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about.
Alas, I digress, back to my story... Since Juliana is a little slow moving in the mornings time for snuggling (or as we call it in our house, cozy) is slim to none on school days.
The other day I felt especially led to fill up her little love tank before I sent her off to school so I invited her to come into my bed for some "cozy." She was absolutely more than willing and moved a little faster than her typical tortoise self to get into bed with me.
She got under the covers and started scooting close to me, and closer, and closer until she was just about plastered up against me...we are talking seriously close. When she got in her desired position and my arms were wrapped around her, holding her close to my heart she said, "now that's what I'm talking about...mmmmm!" She felt loved and her tank was filled in less than five minutes, good to go for the rest of her day.
Several days later I was sitting at my computer desk. I was about to watch a worship service on the internet when I felt something. It felt like someone was putting a thin piece of fabric over my head, around my shoulders, down my arms, like liquid love being poured out over me. I realized within seconds it was the Holy Spirit wrapping me in His love, comfort and strength. Tingling all over my body, I smiled and said aloud, "I feel you Lord. Thank you for Your presence."
It was just a few brief moments, but I paused and soaked in every bit of His love. It was all I needed to face the day...and I thought of Juliana as she found the perfect spot...mmmmmmmmmm. I wasn't even necessarily pursuing my sweet spot with Him, but He knew I needed to feel Him. Had I not been still I might have missed it or reasoned the moment away by thinking the air turned on or I just had the shivers.
This experience might seem strange to some reading this, but such experiences aren't strange to me anymore...they are what I live for. As believers we are the dwelling place of the Spirit of God...I believe we were made to feel Him near! He never leaves us, but we can quench Him and it can feel like He isn't near. Repentance is all it takes to restore the connection.
Before I became a "Presence dweller" my life was full of chaos, defeat and negativity. Circumstances definitely dictated my mood. Peaceful would never have been a word used to describe me or my household. I have learned peace comes from my eyes being focused on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 26:3) I purpose daily to set my eyes on Him, because in today's world peace is a precious commodity.
Of course, I'm not perfect and still sin, but I am quicker now to repent and turn from sin in order to restore my sweet connection with Him. This is the most important connection in my life and I guard it jealousy!
Dwelling in His presence and soaking in His peace makes my soul sing! Here is a link to one of my favorite songs to welcome His presence into the room. I encourage you to "be still and know" His presence and His peace! Who knows, you might just become addicted and you can join my support group;)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Word Up!
Continuing in our "Word Up" series I want to highlight a couple of verses in Genesis 6 and 9. Genesis 6 is where the story of Noah, the ark and the flood begins. Genesis 9 is where we see God bless Noah and make good on all He promised Noah before the flood.
I like this story for several reasons. It made my favorites because it is the first mention of God making covenant with man.
I want to highlight Genesis 6:18a which says, "But I will establish My covenant with you…" It is here we are introduced to our covenant making God.
Let's look at a definition of covenant. I am currently reading a book with a chapter on covenants and I like the author's definition, so I will borrow his.
"Covenant is comprised of three facets. First, it means an agreement that is only to be broken by death. Second, the nature of a covenant is that those who make it die to themselves for the sake of their covenant partner; and last, a people who are in covenant give each other the right to influence their decisions. In other words, the focus of each member of the covenant is, "I'm in this relationship for what I can give to it, not just for what I can receive from it." Definition taken from "The Supernatural Ways of Royalty" by Kris Vallotton and Bill Johnson.
Back to Genesis 9:9, "I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you." Verse 11, "I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth." The rest of the chapter goes on to tell of how God will remember this covenant.
Notice, God not only made this covenant with Noah, but all his descendants...that includes you and me!
The Old Testament covenant God made with man was based on man's ability to keep the rules. Thankfully for us, God entered into a new covenant by terminating the old one with the death of Jesus. Paul tells us about this in Romans with the presentation of the gospel and plan of salvation; and in Galatians where he tells us we are justified by faith and not of works.
The Bible is full of covenants between God and man and between believers. Marriage is a beautiful picture of covenant relationship, modeled after God's covenant with us. I think the point in the above definition most poignant to me was we are to be in relationship for what we can give to it, not for what we can receive.
In our modern society with an "all about me" mentality the importance of covenant relationship has mostly been lost. In the body of Christ alone divorce rates are high, relationships are expendable and we select a church based on its ability to meet our needs.
I am certainly not an expert on covenants, but I am looking forward to learning more about relationships where covenant is honored. Being a contributor and not just a consumer is a desire of my heart. I am thankful to serve a covenant God who keeps His promises to His children. Pure covenant relationships with God and others are just one more reason My Soul Sings!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Whatcha Thinking?
That's the question on every Facebooker's wall. In a little box at the top you have a chance to tell your friends in Facebook land what is on your mind. Also known as a status. So, whatcha thinking?
Well, it got me to thinking...and whenever I start thinking too much it is likely whatever thoughts are in my head will end up written here as a blog post...and, so here we are again:)
As much as I have shared with you about my journey to freedom, there is much left to share. Today I want to talk about our thought life and the power of our minds.
I am sure you've heard it said the battle is in our mind and this statement couldn't be more true. The mind is where the enemy wages war against us.
To sum up the power of our thoughts I love how Larry Randolph puts it...
"Your thoughts become words. Words create attitude. Attitude determines your well being. Well being influences conduct. And conduct determines the shape of your destiny."
Do you see how it all begins with mere thoughts?
One of my favorite sayings is, "what we focus on we empower." In Kris Valloton's book "The Supernatural Ways of Royalty" he says, "We tend to reproduce what we feast our thoughts upon." So, if you feast upon criticism, you will produce negativity. If you feast upon profanity, you will utter profanities. If you feast upon worry, your environment will be one of anxiety. These are just a few examples.
Proverbs 23:7 says, "For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." (NKJV) Yes, there is a definite connection with our thoughts and what is empowered in our lives.
We are instructed in 2 Corinthians 10:5 "To take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." This is how Paul instructs us to overcome strongholds. When we feast on negative thoughts and thoughts contrary to the Word of God we empower the enemy to work in our lives.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to give satan any power over me! You may be wondering how your thought life can empower the enemy. One area in which the enemy gains ground through our thoughts is in thwarting our destiny.
If we believe lies about God and lies about ourselves we will never fully walk in our God given destiny here on earth. When we feast on such lies, we will empower them.
For example: I believed for years I had nothing important to say. Since I didn't finish college I believed I wasn't educated enough to speak. In public settings such as Sunday school class, Bible study, etc. I would have answers, but would never voice them out of fear of being wrong and thus being ridiculed. The enemy would whisper to me, "you are stupid and no one wants to hear what you have to say."
During one of my many inner healing sessions this lie came to the surface. Through the facilitator of my session and the Voice of Truth (Jesus) I realized part of my destiny was my voice. God had gifted me in the area of writing and teaching! I couldn't do either without a "voice!" The enemy had successfully disqualified me in my mind!
Of course what the enemy intended for harm, God will work together for good...this blog is part of the fruit of me receiving my "voice!" If God hadn't revealed this lie at work in my life My Soul Sings would never have become a reality!
This is just one example of where lie based thinking effected my life personally. I could write post after post exposing lies I have personally believed. The fact is Jesus is still revealing them to me...part of working out my salvation will include conforming my mind to think like His. In order to think like Him the lies have to go! This process will last the rest of my life, until I see Jesus face to face!
In the meantime I must choose to feast on the Truth. The more I discover the character and nature of God the more ungodly thinking is displaced.
It is my desire to view life through supernatural lenses, when everything around me is looking at the natural. I assure you God isn't up on His throne ringing His hands anxiously because of what is going on in this world.
No, I believe He is patiently waiting for us as believers to realize our identity, authority and power here on earth. To take dominion over the enemy using our God given inheritances and identities. This will only be accomplished through prayer and empowering truth in our lives.
Bill Johnson puts it this way, "I can't afford to think differently about my life than God does."
I love to write posts which expose the accuser of the brethren for the liar he is. This is a subject you will see addressed often here. If you are interested in uncovering what ungodly beliefs (lies) are at work in your life I urge you to ask Jesus. If you don't know where to start you can begin with identifying lies you have believed about Father God.
The Father's Love Letter can help you with this. You can listen and/or read this beautiful love letter to YOU here. These are truths about how Father God sees you straight from the Bible.
As you listen or read if you come across one that doesn't feel true to your heart, although you know it to be true in your head, ask the Holy Spirit to identify the lie in place. Break agreement with the lie and meditate on the Truth. If helpful, post the scripture on your bathroom mirror and read it aloud several times a day, until it sinks into your spirit and you can fully believe it with all your heart.
Setting your thoughts on things above and focusing on God's Truth will take you to places of victory you didn't imagine possible until heaven. Never in my life have I lived from such a place of peace as I do now. I attribute this to my focus being on God and His promise found in Isaiah 26:3. Living with a mindset of "on earth as it is in heaven" is another reason My Soul Sings!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Breaking Agreement with Perfectionism
This past weekend I had an opportunity to spend some time with my younger daughter, Juliana, making cards using rubber stamps. It was a sweet time with her, doing an activity we both enjoy.
For those who are wondering what "stamping" is basically it is akin to scrap booking. You cut paper, select colors, designs and put them together to create something unique...and on this day it was cards we were making.
Now prior to this I have always cut Juliana's paper for her, after all the cutter is very sharp. Since I was working on my own projects and I was close at hand I told her she could cut her own paper. She perked up at this because it is something she has wanted to do and the fact I was trusting her with the responsibility really empowered her...she was beaming.
While in her happy place she was very chatty. She was completing two cards to my one...proudly showing each of them to me wanting my approval of her masterpieces. Which brings me to the quote in reference.
She held up one card and one piece had been cut slightly crooked. She pointed it out to me very matter of factly, not at all upset about it. I replied, "it's okay, it doesn't need to be perfect." To which she replied, "I don't try to make things perfect, because not much is perfect...well, really nothing is perfect."
A profound and wise statement coming from a ten year old. It went straight to my heart and brought a smile to my face. She has no idea how refreshing and encouraging this comment was to me...and maybe you too are wondering...allow me to explain.
My second post on My Soul Sings was titled, "Performer No More." I shared with you my struggle with performance for most of my life and how the Lord had delivered me from such bondage.
Performance has a cousin...her (not gender specific, but since I'm a girl...go with me here;) name is Perfectionism. They are cousins, but also really good friends, of the co-dependent kind, and they are most always found together.
Perfectionism can look good on the outside. She also can make you look good. While aiming to make everyone happy with your performance she comes alongside and shows up and shows off. People come to you when they need a job done with accuracy and excellence and perfectionism usually comes through for you.
But...along with perfectionism comes self-analysis and self-criticism...always setting the bar unattainably high. Once you feel you have obtained it, you have to raise it even higher...eventually setting yourself up for failure because you're constantly measuring yourself, never feeling you make the mark.
And...it doesn't stop there. Since you strive for perfection you also put the expectation on others to do things "perfectly." Of course, you don't meet your expectations, why would they? Depending on the scope of the relationship you have with them they may or may not feel this pressure from you. I can guarantee you if they live with you, they know it, they feel it and quite possibly they are drowning underneath the weight of it. Wow, I'm exhausted just re-reading what I just wrote...but that's not all, shall we continue?
As a perfectionist I expected my husband and my daughters to be perfect. My older daughter was struggling immensely from my remarks, criticisms and the unspoken expectation for her to rise and meet my demands. In a weeks worth of school work I would point out the one "C" and not even mention the ten "A's."
Under such pressure she was destined to fail. It didn't matter how "good" she was I would find a flaw. I was really good at finding flaws in myself and even better at pointing them out in other people.
During this process she began to struggle in school. She had several physical issues rooted in stress and anxiety. In order to honor her I will not go into the details of all she went through...just trust me, it wasn't good.
I don't remember exactly the turning point for me, but I realized what was manifesting in her life was the result of all the negative seeds I had sown into her. In my quest to help her I was forced to look into the mirror and what I saw was ugly, real ugly...did I say it was ugly, I meant UGLY!
I'm a big girl and I can admit this to you...but only because I received healing from the Lord. He enveloped me in His forgiveness, grace, love and restoration. I allowed Him to speak to my heart. He opened my eyes to the pattern in place. I was faced with a decision and for the sake of my daughters and my marriage I decided enough was enough.
I willingly, although with fear and trembling, allowed the Lord to take me to the "woodshed" where He lovingly and gently began the pruning process. It was not easy, but I'm here to testify to you today the fruit on this side is sweet and plentiful.
I often tell people when I am sharing my story that my girls had two different moms. Thankfully, they both didn't pay the price. Juliana was preschool age when my journey to freedom began and by the time she was in school I was freed from imposing upon my children the need for perfection. While the process wasn't yet complete in me; I still put unreasonable expectations on myself, I no longer placed them on my girls.
My girls are smart. They don't make straight A's and I don't expect them. The only thing I ask of them is that they give their best effort. Defining best effort can sometimes be sketchy, especially for my little free spirit, Juliana:) But all in all I want to teach them success isn't measured by perfection or performance.
So to hear those words come out of my sweet Juliana's mouth was a gift. A gift I hope to never forget receiving. The impact on my heart was so great I had to share with you.
I am on this journey in life, building my legacy. It is my prayer my children will inherit my breakthroughs. Sure, they will have struggles of their own and it is my desire for them to have faith of their own. My prayer is my ceiling will become their floors, building on the legacy I will leave them with each generation a little further along then the last. Now, that, would be just PERFECT!
As with anything I share it is in hope of it bringing someone else healing or, at the very least, hope of their own. You will hear me say time and time again God is a God of restoration. He not only can heal the brokenness, He can redeem the years the locust have eaten. In heaven's economy it's payback with interest and we are the payee!
The day I broke agreement with the spirit of perfectionism was a spiritual milemarker in my life. If you struggle in this area and would like to talk about getting free from it, I would love to share with you how.
Doing things as unto the Lord and not unto a spirit of perfectionism really, really, really, really, really makes MY SOUL SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Priorities and My Life
My excuse for not starting a blog earlier was I felt it would pressure me too much. My old people pleaser traits try to rear their ugly heads from time to time. So, when I began this blog I made a commitment to put my time with God first, then hubby, children, friends and outside ministry (in that order.)
I say "outside ministry" meaning ministry outside of my home. As a mother and wife, my first ministry is to my family...those of you with small children it's okay if they are your ONLY ministry for this season of life.
Jesus said "If anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because He is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward." (Matthew 10:42) Moms, have you given your child something to eat or drink today? If so, you have served Jesus by serving your (His)children. I would also like to add, as a mom you are an invaluable asset in the kingdom of God. You are sowing into a future generation of revivalists, leaders and kingdom warriors!
This truth took me awhile to grasp. I felt I had to be serving in the "church," and so I said yes to everything and way over committed myself. My relationship with God and my family suffered for it.
My Soul Sings falls into the category of outside ministry, so it's the first thing to go when the other priorities are calling to me.
This weekend I have enjoyed time with my daughters and my hubby. I did some rubber stamping (it's a craft thing, for those of you wondering) with my 10 year old this afternoon. She made a comment that so touched my heart I shared it on my Facebook and I plan to blog about it this coming week. Children are capable of imparting some great wisdom, and that was surely the case with her sweet remark.
As you have read this I hope it has encouraged you to think about where your priorities are. It's good to make sure they are in check from time to time...because it doesn't take much for them to go askew. I don't usually realize this has happened until something suffers.
If I haven't had my alone time with Jesus I start to feel completely separated from Him. Instead of talking with Him throughout my day, I feel He isn't there...but really, it's me that has left, because He doesn't go anywhere:)
When I've not spent enough time with my husband we are more prone to arguments. Same goes with my girls, if their love tanks aren't full there will be more disobedience, disrespect and overall mood changes. I think you get the point.
It's not a coincidence when I've spent time with Jesus the rest of my relationships seem to run more smoothly. I contribute this to my heart being in the right place, connected and focused on the Giver of Life...I am, in turn, able to give life and love to others...which has become one of my core values. I want to give, love, minister and serve from the overflow and abundance God has given me, otherwise someone will get shorted because it is a fleshly effort, not empowered by the Spirit of God.
Wow, to have come here just to say hi, I sure did ramble! Apparently the Holy Spirit had something to say through all this! I pray a blessing over your week. May it be full of love and time in His presence so you can ooze His love on those you love most...because His presence always makes My Soul Sing!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Word Up!
"Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female servants, so they could have children."
Again, in this series, it is not my goal to completely dissect the passages or verses. This verse is pregnant with meaning (no pun intended:) and you actually could spend some time discovering it all. If this verse speaks to you, I encourage you to go deeper with it!
I do want to set up the context for you. Abimelech is the king who took a hankering to Sarah. Abraham lied to Abimelech and said Sarah was his sister. However, God came to Abimelech in a dream and informed him Sarah was already married and not to lay a finger on her. You can read the whole story in Genesis 20.
This made my favorites list for several reasons, I will cover two of them in this post. First, I am passionate about pursuing the healing Christ purchased for us on the cross in body, soul and spirit. Although my passion falls in the area of inner healing (soul/heart hurts) I have learned through in depth study of the subject it is also the will of God to physically heal and many times inner and physical healing are related (this is a whole other topic for another day:)
Second, I love verses, especially ones like this, that tell a story which set a precedent. I firmly believe we can look at what God has done in the past and claim those promises in the here and now. Because God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34) what He does for one, He will do for another.
This verse is cross referenced to James 5:16 which says, "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results."
In reference to this story we see confession and prayer were applied. The fruit was healing to the wombs of Abimelech's wife and maids. They all bore children!
Yes, we live in a fallen world and sickness, disease, etc. are part of the fall...BUT, God sent us His son, Jesus, to make a way back to Him. Through Jesus we can be saved, which includes not only salvation, but healing and deliverance (according to the Greek word SOZO.) We will talk more about the word Sozo in the future.
Ask the Holy Spirit if there is any area in which you need to confess, so you may receive healing according to James 5:16. I have applied this kingdom principle many times and have received tremendous healing of the heart...which, say it with me, makes my soul sing!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Empowered, Free and Walking in Victory
One of the first books I read that put me a little outside my comfort zone was "The Three Battlegrounds" (An in-depth view of the three arenas of spiritual warfare; The mind, the church and the heavenly places) by Francis Frangipane. Extra points if you can pronounce the author's last name correctly...oh wait, I can't even pronounce it correctly:)
This is a great book to open your eyes to the fact we are at war, not with each other, but with the forces of darkness Paul writes of in Ephesians 6:10-20.
From the beginning of my journey to where I am today I've taken all kinds of turns. At first, I must admit, I was a little in awe of the kingdom of darkness and the power it has here on the earth. Now, please hear me...I was never interested in dallying with the kingdom of darkness, but I did find myself looking for a demon behind every bush. The "devil made me do it" and "the devil is after me" mentality. I was giving him way more credit than he was due!
Thank God, I didn't stay in that camp for long! The Lord has shown me, although the kingdom of darkness and the devil are very real, they are also a defeated foe. He also taught me the Kingdom of God is much stronger than the kingdom of darkness! I realized what I placed my focus on I would empower. I was faced with a choice...focus on God and empower His truth in my life or focus on the work of the enemy and stay in a constant state of defeat and a never ending battle.
When we focus on the works of the enemy we are in essence making the devil really big and our God really small...when the fact is they are not equally matched opponents. Think about that for a moment and ask yourself the question, "Am I or have I made the devil bigger than my God?" Be honest with yourself. It's okay to admit it. I did. Confess, repent and turn to God and start empowering His truth in your life.
It's been over five years since I first read "The Three Battlegrounds." I decided recently to go back and re-read it. It's like I'm reading it with new eyes and a new mind (a renewed mind.) Many points are speaking to me, but I'm especially drawn to a paragraph on page 31, under the section "Repentance Precedes Deliverance." I want to quote this section for you:
"If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you have already had many strongholds broken in your life. These were broken when you repented and came to Jesus. Deliverance is often just that simple when a soul is willing. Yet, without some measure of repentance, deliverance is almost always impossible, for although a spirit may be commanded to leave, if the structure of the individuals thoughts has not been changed, his wrong attitude toward sin will welcome that spirit back."
Now, at this point, this post could take several different paths, deliverance being one of them. We could explore the house being swept clean, but not replaced with truth taught in Luke 11:21-26. Or we could explore how repentance proceeds deliverance as taught in Mark 6:12. But I want to take it a somewhat different direction, although in the end it all comes back to the same point.
Can you think of a time, place, service, retreat, etc. where you really connected with God? Maybe it was a revival, a secluded weekend retreat or perhaps your salvation experience. The power of the Holy Spirit moved and worked through the speakers, the worship and the environment. You left the moment having received a deposit into your heart directly from the heart of the Father. The feeling was amazing and you felt invincible...there was nothing you couldn't accomplish with Jesus by your side.
Then...life intruded and interupted your utopia, the unexpected happened, tragedy struck, circumstances changed and your sense of security was brought into question and at the very root, your faith was challenged...or maybe none of the above took place but you slipped back into a life of mediocrity. You were left wanting the "high" of your divine mountain top moment back...and maybe you even sought it.
I see this some in the inner healing ministry. People coming in wanting an encounter with God, wanting their junk gone, wanting a quick fix and some even wanting to fix their spouse (we won't go there:)..."make my problems go away" or "fix this mess I've found myself in." Kind of a sense of drive-thru Jesus. They might find themselves going from program to program, ministry to ministry, church to church seeking a feeling or a quick solution to life's problems...only to complete the process and still walk away without lasting change.
As I read the above passage from the book I was drawn to this conclusion. Our freedom and deliverance is our choice, first and foremost. We can't expect to confess a little, cry a little and receive a touch from God than go back to doing the same sins, having the same ungodly thoughts or believing the same lies and expect to walk in freedom. Sure, grace is abundant and we can continue to sin/confess all we want, but if we do so we are choosing an inferior life. As a Christian there is more and let me tell you from experience, there is freedom and victory!
We can't have actions or thoughts that come into agreement with the kingdom of darkness and expect to walk in victory in that area. Let's face it our thoughts and/or actions either agree with the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness.
As I walk this journey I am asking God to reveal those thoughts not in agreement with His. He is gracious and does so gently. In the past I have been discouraged when He brings up something negative to address, but as I grow I look forward to those things rising to the surface so that I can enter into the pruning process and come out the other side looking a little more like Jesus. (see II Corinthians 3:16-18)
Friends, don't be discouraged, it is a process and a journey we will find ourselves on until we meet our Savior face to face...the Christianese word for it is sanctification. Being a Christian doesn't make us perfect. It doesn't mean life will be all roses. It certainly doesn't mean we will not sin.
To me being a Christian means I'm so in love with my Savior I want to imitate Him in everything I do and say. I want to walk freely in all Jesus' death and resurrection secured for me. I don't want to waste a moment of grace. I want to be all He made me to be. It means receiving grace, love and mercy and freely giving it away to others. I simply can not afford to have thoughts not in alignment with His...not so I can be perfect, but so I can live fully and freely. I've tried a life of keeping the "rules." It didn't work for me and it was absolutely exhausting.
Today I choose life, I choose to take my thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ and I choose Jesus...the freedom this brings makes my soul sing!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
God is speaking, are you listening?
When we box ourselves into thinking God only speaks through His Word we will miss some wonderful opportunities to hear Him speak to us otherwise. Although I do believe when He speaks to us outside of scripture it will be consistent with His nature. In fact, that is one way to discern His voice...it will always be in line with His Word and His character.
Hopefully your eyes and ears will be open to ways He is speaking to you in everyday circumstances! It is also probably an appropriate time for me to state I do not believe in coincidences. I see God in everything and I seek to hear Him in everything. He is speaking, it's up to us to listen:)
Here in Southeast Tennessee we have experienced the most snowfalls I can remember. I've lived 28 of my 38 years in Chattanooga and I don't remember more snows than those of 2010! In a recent conversation, a friend mentioned she planned on asking God what He was saying through these frequent snow showers. I thought this was a great idea, but wasn't necessarily planning on asking Him myself. Although I did immediately think of Isaiah 1:18 which says, "Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow."
It wasn't until several days later when it was unseasonably warm and sunny He got my attention. You see, not only have we had record snows, but record rainfall...which means our weather has been dreary. Even on days when it's not raining or snowing most of them have been gray and cloudy. So a sunny and warm day has been a rare treat this winter.
On this particular day the sun was shining and people were talking about how wonderful the weather was. He led me to another passage in Isaiah. This time it was Isaiah 60:1-3...
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of Your dawn."
I read the above passage and postured myself to hear what the Lord was wanting to say to me. This is what I heard (again, this was for me and I'm sharing it with you. It is your responsibility to test this word for yourself:)
The darkness in this verse to me represents evil. The thick darkness over the people represents depression and mental illness, both of which are rampant in the earth right now. I might also add here neither are from God, but from the enemy. Remember God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind. (II Tim. 1:7) He also says in Isaiah 61:3 He gives us a spirit of praise instead of despair. Clearly, depression and mental illness are not from our Daddy!
The gloomy weather has represented the darkness. The repeated snowfalls represent His glory! We are made pure by the blood (covering) of Jesus! I began to see the snow as a blanket of His glory covering us in these dark days!
Then the unseasonably warm and sunny day represented His LIGHT! The Lord is rising over us with His light which is able to penetrate all darkness (evil)! As believers we are the "kings" in the verse drawn to His brightness, because He is the King of kings! I believe the Lord is saying He is drawing His people to Him like never before...we must be listening and watching!
I found this revelation very encouraging, which is another way to discern it was from God. Our Daddy is speaking to us via many avenues. I encourage you to be watchful and listen...what is He saying to you? He may speak through a message, a song, a billboard, an advertisement, nature, another person, the time on the clock when you awaken in the middle of the night...His ways are not our ways and we can miss Him speaking if we aren't paying attention.
My Soul Sings because my Creator is gloriously creative and not boxed into speaking only through words! Speak O Lord, your servant is listening! (I Samuel 3:9)
Monday, March 1, 2010
Word Up!
There are countless characteristics and attributes about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. You could spend a lifetime getting to know them all. The more you understand and experience His character, the greater understanding you will have of who He makes you as a believer in Him!
Knowing Him this intimately will also change how you pray. The more you encounter His heart, the more in line with heaven your prayers will be (on earth as it is in heaven.) You can pray the will of God because He will have aligned your heart to His! This only comes through a close and deep relationship, which He longs to have with each of us.
Prior to Genesis 16:13 we find Hagar, Sarai's maid, in an encounter with the Lord after running away from Sarai. Hagar is carrying Abram's child. The angel of the Lord has told Hagar her son's name will be Ishmael. Hagar is dealing with her emotions after being harshly addressed by Sarai. God meets Hagar in her place of pain.
Genesis 16:13 "So she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, "You are a God of seeing," for she said, "Truly here I have seen Him who looks after me." It is in this verse where we are introduced to El Roi, the God who sees.
Another place in scripture we see El Roi is in Psalm 139. He saw us while we were still in the womb! Way before 3-D and 4-D ultrasounds!
What area of your life do you take comfort in knowing God sees you? I feel especially loved knowing my heavenly Father is watching over me. He sees each tear I cry. He watches as I go through disappointments, hurts and victories. Nothing in my life is too small or insignificant to Him. He sees everything and longs to meet me in each place, in both joy and sadness...simply another reason knowing Him makes my soul sing!