Friday, December 31, 2010

I Don't Know

The other day I was having a conversation with someone who had question after question. They were expecting me to give them answers and quite honestly I didn't have many. My response was repeatedly, "I don't know."

A few days later I had some questions of my own. Frustration began to loom over me and I directed my question(s) to God. What I heard back from Him was simply, "Amy, you don't have to have all the answers."

When I first heard His reply I thought to myself, "ok, great, God says I don't have to have all the answers, now what?" The frustration lifted, but it took a few days for the freedom to come.

I am a huge proponent of self talk, so over the course of the next week I repeatedly said over myself, "Amy, you don't have to have all the answers." The more I said it, the better it sounded and the more freedom it released.

Yesterday, a sweet friend called and wanted to meet for lunch. She was facing some decisions and was somewhat confused about what direction to take. As I was preparing to go meet with her I was talking with Jesus. I told Jesus I was concerned that I didn't have any answers to give her, in fact I only had more questions.

Jesus gently responded to me, "Amy, you don't have to have all the answers." He then went on to reveal to me how the best teachers are not those who lay out all the facts and tell you what conclusion to come to, but rather those who lay out the material and then pose questions to you by which you are led to the answers through discovery.

Before leaving to go to lunch I jumped onto my Facebook to post this as my status: "You don't have to have all the answers. God gave me this word several days ago and I realized this morning it was not just for me, but to be shared."

It never made it to my status, because I heard Holy Spirit say I needed to share this word through a blog here we are.

As we prepare to enter into a new year I am sure each of you have questions of your own. It is my prayer for myself and for each one reading this that 2011 would be a year of learning to trust God more, following His leading and laying on His chest when things look uncertain or a little scary.

Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."

Our Papa God has ALL the answers and He is waiting for us to come to Him....He wants to reveal His secrets to you and to me. Knowing it is my Abba Daddy's desire to share His heart intimately with me makes my soul sing!

I want to leave you with a song by Kristene Mueller (DiMarco) Happy New Year to each of you, my friends and blog family!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sarcasm Exposed

"Ever been engaged in a conversation with someone and you were attempting to disclose your deepest feelings only to have them deflect your sincerity with sarcasm? Their response to your disclosure was exposure."

This quote is taken from a blog post I read yesterday by Randall Worley. It spoke to my heart so poignantly I shared a link to it on my Facebook. I have been mulling it over in my heart and mind ever since. I wanted to share with you what Holy Spirit has revealed to me through the words given to Randall.

Someday I hope to blog about a concept I will refer to as spiritual mirrors. In short a spiritual mirror is something the Lord uses to reveal to you something about you that needs refining to look more like Jesus. It is a mirror because it is usually revealed to me through another person. What you find most aggravating about someone's personality is sometimes a mirror to something you also do. OUCH! Yes, I know, it hurts.

Randall's post on incessant sarcasm is a spiritual mirror for me. Allow me to explain. I have often been hurt by sarcasm. Maybe you have thick skin and aren't effected by sarcasm. Not me. I am a feeler and my vulnerability and transparency can often leave me as a target for what Randall refers to in the opening quote as "disclosure exposure."

I could end this post here and it would be enough, but there is more and I would be remiss not to be vulnerable and transparent with you. I would like to be able to write that I had only been a victim of sarcasm, but alas, I am afraid this is the "mirror" part...I have also been guilty of dealing out my fair share of incessant sarcasm. Yes, I have hurt others in an attempt to make myself more comfortable. OUCH!

To those of you reading this post that know me, if I have hurt or offended you with sarcasm, please except my sincerest, most heart-felt apologies. This is an area I have now submitted to the Lord for refining and pruning. It is never acceptable to use sarcasm to bring pain, one-upmanship or to avoid being "real."

A friend shared with me the Greek word from which we derive the word sarcasm from:

σαρκάζω (sarkazo) which means 'to tear flesh.'

Has your heart ever been torn by sarcastic comments? Have you been guilty of wielding such comments that tear flesh? I think most of us could answer yes to both questions, although some have more of a struggle in this area than others.

Randall is the type of blogger I hope to become someday...he blogs almost daily and his blogs most always invite me to contemplate deeper things with God. I invite you to check out his blog, but be advised he isn't your mainstream pastor/writer. He goes deep into the things of God...often times making one question theology so readily accepted in the mainstream church.

Going deeper with God makes My Soul Sing! Now, if you dare, go read the post that inspired this one here.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

All I Need

I have been completely captivated by the song titled, "Child of God" by Kathryn Scott. Seriously, it's been on repeat on the cd player the past few days. This morning as I was driving to the ministry center where I serve I had "Child of God" blaring through the speakers. I was singing at the top of my lungs, "Father, You're all I need. Father, You're all I need. Father, You're all I need." I was feeling it deep down in my spirit where deep cries out to deep and it's here where I heard Him say to me, "Amy, you're all I need."

WOW! Grab this girl a box of tissue! There is nothing more precious or tender my Abba Daddy could have spoken to me! "Amy, you're all I need." My Daddy needs me, just as I need Him. He wants me and He wants you too!

Papa God continued to speak gently to me. He said,

"Daughter, so many of My children try to earn My love. They serve. They busy themselves. They get buried in the details. They miss the point of their creation. I made you (and all of My children) just to BE with me. You were made for fellowship with Me. To sit in My lap and allow Me to pour My love into you. My love isn't something to be earned. You can't become any more worthy than you already are. My son, Jesus, paid for you to be worthy."

I know many people who are serving themselves to death, but are still lacking an intimate relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They wonder why they can't seem to overcome, asking themselves the questions, "what am I doing wrong? Aren't I serving enough? Why do I still feel this way?"

I can certainly relate, I asked these same questions. It felt like I was never getting anywhere, just going in circles. Then I heard Him calling my name, saying, "come up here. Sit in my lap and allow Me to tell you how I feel about you." I don't recall the date or day of the week I finally accepted His invitation, but it has forever changed my life.

He is extending the same invitation to you. Need help getting started? I've included the lyrics to the song below and a link to listen here. Close your eyes, turn your heart to the Father and listen to these words, I guarantee you He will minister to your heart...accept His invitation today. Knowing His love through experiencing it makes MY SOUL SING! I pray your soul is singing too! "Papa God, I pray each person who reads this post and listens to this song would have a love encounter with You. Fill them up with more of Your presence. May they find rest for their souls in the security of Your lap. In Jesus name, AMEN!"

Child of God

With every breath with every thought
From what is seen to the deepest part
I offer all that I've come to be
To know your love fathering me

Father, You're all I need
My souls sufficiency
My strength when I am weak
The love that carries me
You arms enfold me
Till I am only
A child of God

With every step on this journey's walk
And wisdom's songs that the soul has sought
I give my self unreservedly
To know your love fathering me

Father, You're all I need
My souls sufficiency
My strength when I am weak
The love that carries me
Your arms enfold me till I am only
A child of God

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Claim your upgrade!

Rainy days are perfect days for playing "catch up" around the house and for listening to podcasts, worship music and whatever else I find that nourishes my soul in the Lord. I am getting ready to attend a conference in Franklin this weekend with Graham Cooke as the speaker. I love Graham's message on our identity in Christ and so I have been watching/listening to a session of his today.

Helping others discover who they are in Christ and who Christ is in them is one of my heart passions! You can imagine my excitement listening to speakers who teach on this very topic...I get REALLY HAPPY and indeed MY SOUL SINGS!

In this particular message Graham instructs the audience to go through an exercise which I think is AWESOME, LIBERATING and EMPOWERING. I just couldn't wait to share it with you, my blog family:)

Isaiah 54:17 tells us no weapon formed against us will prosper.

Deuteronomy 23:5 tells us God turns curses into blessing simply because He loves us!

Tuck those passages away from future mediation, because they are packed with goodness!

Now, get two sheets of paper (preferably notebook, so you have lines.) On the first sheet of paper make a numbered list of negative aspects in your life, they can be negative emotions, negative situations or negative character traits, curses or sin patterns. It might look something like this:

1. critical
2. depressed
3. alcoholism
4. hopelessness
5. broken relationship

Get the idea? Now after you have completed your list of negatives set that piece of paper aside and take the next sheet and number it the same as the first. For example, if you had 25 things listed on your negative sheet, number your second sheet 1-25.

Isaiah 61:3 is a beautiful and encouraging passage of scripture. It is an example of what God gives us in place of what the enemy tries to saddle us with....a garland instead of ashes, gladness instead of mourning and praise instead of heaviness.

Now, quiet yourself before the Lord and ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you a promise, prophecy, or an "instead of" for each item listed on your negative sheet. This is replacing the enemy's lie with God's truth.

He may give you a scripture reference, or simply one or two words for each. You will know it is from God if it lines up with His character as revealed to us in His Word. What He says will not be negative or condemning! God's words to us always bring Life (seriously, can I get a dollar for every time I have written this in a blog post?)

Using my example list of 5 negative things, my positive, or "instead of," list might go something like this:

1. gift of encouragement and edification
2. joy
3. filled with His Spirit, dependent on Him
4. HOPE and His vision
5. restored relationship

As Holy Spirit leads you spend some time repenting for your part in believing or wallowing in the items on the negative list. If others have been involved in these "curses" choose to forgive them. Curses are not part of your inheritance in Christ, nor are they part of your identity in Him. If you have focused on these negative things you have empowered them in your life. Break agreement with them. To repent means to "turn from." I like how Graham Cooke puts it, "if you have a thought that doesn't line up with His, have another thought." That's repentance, pure and simple! Making the list of truth is you having another thought...His thoughts!

Now, destroy the yucky, negative list. Shred it, flush it down the toilet, however you wish to properly discard of it:) Take the list of truth and declare them over yourself. It could go something like this: (using my example list from above)

"Holy Spirit, I receive the gift of encouragement and edification. I choose to use my words to bless and not curse. I will use my tongue to bring life to others and myself. I choose to be filled with the JOY of the Lord as my strength. I have much to be joyful about, Father, please help me to recognize the joy in my life and focus on Your goodness in all situations. As I walk in the Spirit I ask You to fill me with Your abundance. I will trust in You, Father, to meet the needs of my heart and to fill me to overflowing with Your presence and Your peace. I submit my relationships to You, Lord. May I bring about the spirit of reconciliation and restoration. Give me wisdom Father to know when and with whom Godly boundaries need to be exercised."

Choose to meditate on the list of who God says you are until your actions start lining up with these truths. When you are tempted to go back to the negative pull out your list and declare the truth over yourself again!

Choosing to seek His blessings, His viewpoint, His wisdom and insight will focus your heart and mind on His plan for you. I have seen some people choose to walk in denial of the problems in their life, as if they don't exist. This isn't His solution, nor will it bring about change. Focusing on Him and actively seeking His viewpoint will change YOU, and afterall, YOU are the only person YOU can control anyway:) Focusing on what others are doing, or not doing, never brings about a positive me, I've tried that!

Heaven is full of unclaimed UPGRADES! Father God is waiting for you to claim your upgrade! What are you waiting for?

My Soul Sings because I have discovered the lavish love of the Father fully embracing His goodness, basking in His presence and seeking His that's an upgrade worth claiming!!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Attack or Pruning?

I have blogged about this topic before, but feel Holy Spirit nudging me to blog about it again in greater detail.

Consider these statements:

"Satan is after me."
"Satan is at it again."
"I know I am doing something right for the Lord, because I feel satan attacking me."
"Satan sure knows how to get me where it hurts."
"If you are working for the Lord, satan will come after you."

Is it possible by making these statements you are not honoring or lifting up the name of Jesus, but glorifying an enemy whose power was taken away at the cross? In essence bringing him the very attention he desired over God that got him thrown out of heaven?

Let's look at a couple of scriptures and see what it is satan desired.

Isaiah 14:14 (NLT) "I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High." Satan wanted to be like God. Isn't it awesome the very thing he wanted, God desired for man to obtain? We are admonished in scripture to be imitators of Christ (Eph 5:1) and we are seated in heavenly places (Eph 2:6)! Just think how this torments satan!!!!! We were created to bring God glory by doing greater works than Jesus!!! (see John 14:12) When we imitate Christ with a heart of humility, God is glorified!

Luke 4:7 (NASB) "Therefore if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours." Satan had the audacity to ask Jesus to worship him! For the full story and context read Luke 4:1-12.

I explained in this post and this post how the fall of man impacted our authority and how the finished work of Jesus gave it back to us. In this post I want to explain the two different ways we become entrapped in bondage to sin either by captivity or imprisonment.

Isaiah 61:1 (NIV) "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."

I want to camp out in the last sentence of this AWESOME verse! "He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."

Friends, that is something to get HAPPY about right there!

Let's look at the differences between a "captive" and a "prisoner" in this context.

A captive is one who is made or held prisoner due to someone else's sin; one who was sinned against. For example a victim of abuse would be a captive. A child isn't willfully molested, thus they are a captive, being held against their will.

A prisoner is one who is being held as punishment for a wrong. In this context a prisoner is one who has willfully sinned. In this case we willfully give up our God given authority by opening the door to satan to work in our life through our sin. Simply put, when I sin I invite the enemy to come alongside me, which places me in bondage. Until I repent, break the cycle of sin and apply the finished work of the cross in my life the enemy will use my sin to torment me and keep me in bondage.

How does one who has been a captive go from being imprisoned because of someone else's sin into being a prisoner due to their own sin? Unforgiveness would be one way. In the parable of the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18 unforgiveness leads to torment. The jailers in Matthew 18:34 are also referred to as torturers in some translations. Guess whose payroll the torturers are on...satan's!

Another way a captive can go to being a prisoner is through forming ungodly beliefs (aka lies) based on what has happened to them. For example if a child is molested they may form the ungodly belief that all adults are capable of molesting, leading them to not trust. If they carry this belief into adulthood it will paralyze them in relationships and torment them for years, unless they allow the Lord to heal this place of pain in their heart.

The good news is Jesus paid for the release of both the captive and the prisoner! It is NOT the will of God for anyone to remain in bondage to any type of sin! It is always our choice!

If you are a captive who is remaining in a victim mentality you are not making a choice to allow the God of the universe to heal you and restore you. But Amy, it's hard, you don't know what they did to me. You are right, I don't, but you can either stay in captivity or you can allow Jesus to minister and heal you. His beaten and bloodied body paid for your release on the cross, but it will always be your choice. The garden began with a choice and there will always be two trees in our garden. Which tree will you choose?

I hope this has given you some insight into ways we can empower the enemy.

Truth: The enemy can not force himself upon us. He must have been given access. He gains access through sin.

Truth: The enemy is horrified of us when we are walking in our God given identity as sons and daughters of the Most High. When we are walking in our identity and authority he is ABSOLUTELY POWERLESS!

Truth: If I am lifting up the name of JESUS satan must flee. James 4:7 says, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." How do we resist the devil? We stand on truth, not only with words but in our actions and Godly choices. If I have opened the door to sin, the enemy has access. His access is taken away through repentance and forgiveness. Resist sin and you are resisting the enemy!

I heard a sermon recently describing using our identity and authority in resisting the enemy. The speaker used an illustration of us running from the enemy like he was a Doberman Pinscher, when really he is a chihuahua. I'll let that illustration speak for itself:)

Friends, I am not ignorant of spiritual warfare. It is real and I am not making light of it. Quite the contrary, I'm giving you some tools to use to stand in victory. The enemy is like a lion seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8.) All I am saying is, you don't have to allow him to devour you. If you have Jesus, you have power. You have authority. You have choices.

Stop running scared at the first sign of the enemy and stand up to him with the breastplate of righteousness, belt of truth, gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation and sword of the Spirit!

I am coming to realize the full armor of God is more than just something you "pray on." It is a lifestyle and it is part of our identity. Once again it is a choose to wear it or not.

Does satan know your weak areas? You bet he does. Might I suggest to you the next time you are feeling like you are under attack to ask these questions. First, is this an area in which I have given satan authority through sin or holding onto unforgiveness? Second, what is the lie I am believing?

Many times we are quick to say we are under attack when really we are entering into a season of pruning where the Lord has allowed our circumstances and situations to turn up the heat. So, ask this question of the Lord. "God, is this the enemy or are you trying to burn away a part of me that isn't like You?" Ouch? I know. I certainly have been quick to blame satan when really God is just shining the light on an area of my life where there is sin. It's easier to blame the enemy than it is to take responsibility for our sin. Not fun and not pretty, but on the other side I promise you will look a little more like Jesus. Victory is mighty sweet:)

So, next time you are feeling pressured or "attacked" try lifting up the name of Jesus before giving any credit to the enemy. Allow the Lord to search your heart, revealing any wickedness there (see Psalm 139:23-24.) This is what standing firm against evil looks like.

I love the quote, "what we focus on, we empower." Friends, I choose to focus on my Jesus! Who do your words and actions say you are focused on? Hmmmm, something to think about:)

We are not to be ignorant of the schemes of the enemy, but we also aren't to give him glory by giving him credit for things in our life that are the result of our poor choices.

If you are struggling with discerning between "attack" or pruning I would love to help you and pray with you. Please do not hesitate to e-mail me at or message me through Facebook. Helping others learn and discover their identity in Christ is my passion. Identity gives us power over the works of darkness...Jesus gives us power over the works of darkness and this makes my soul gloriously SING!

***I have purposefully used a lowercase "s" when using the name of satan. He isn't worthy of anything more!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Grab and Go Jesus

This post could go in a myriad of different directions...oh wait, I guess all my posts have that potential. Seriously, have you had a conversation with me? Hopefully with Holy Spirit's help I will be able to convey what is on my heart and, more importantly, what is on His.

Many of you know me personally, but many of you do not. This will be one of those posts where knowing me will put you at an advantage. I have been told I write just like I talk, so if you've been reading for awhile you have a pretty good glimpse into my personality...God bless you if you continue to come back:)

We just completed Fall Break 2010 here in the Scenic City (Chattanooga.) My husband took most of the week as vacation. We loaded up the family and headed to the great tourist mecca of eastern Tennessee, aka, Sevier County, Great Smoky Mountains, Little Las Vegas and Gatlinburg.

Where else can you hike, horseback ride, wine taste, eat, go to indoor water parks, zip line, shop, ride go-carts, play unlimited miniature golf and find a "show" on every corner? If that's not enough you can visit any number of Ripley's museums which promise to be the best of the Smokies...I wouldn't know, I've not been to any of them!

I hope I painted a clear picture for those who haven't had the privilege of visiting the Great Smokies. One adjective I would use to describe any trip there is "BUSY!" Now, if you are childless there are plenty of cabins nestled in the woods which offer a place of respite and refreshing...but traveling to Sevier Co., Tennessee with two girls, ages 10 and 14, you aren't going to go to those places...see previous paragraph.

Fast forward to right now, it's 1:14 in the afternoon and I'm coming to you from my bedroom, showered, but in pj pants sitting in the quiet, writing this blog post. The only talking I have done thus far today is communicating with my 10 year old as she got ready for school. The quiet has been blissful.

Please hear me loud and clear, I adore my family. I love to spend time with my husband and our girls, but seriously, we are LOUD! All four of us! When we are all together it is hard to be heard, so we become louder. Now, I'm not saying this is all bad. After all, God gave us our personalities. In the past I tried to change who I was in order to fit a mold I thought people wanted or expected of me. I realized God made me with a voice and I have embraced that voice in the last couple of years...thus the realization of My Soul Sings!

Not too long ago I had an epiphany...I enjoy solitude. This really surprised me at first, because I love people and being with people. If given the option of a quiet Friday night at home or going to dinner with friends, I'd choose the latter most all the time. What I realized is I have the benefit of copious amounts of "me" time. While the girls are in school I am home alone. My days and weeks fill up quickly with ministry and such, but I also have alone time on a daily basis Monday through Friday, with a few exceptions. Having this amount of alone time equates to plenty of Jesus and me time!

Before you jump to conclusions and envision me all pious, let me clarify. Jesus time for me doesn't mean I spend hours reading scripture, or praying, for that matter. It simply means I am aware of His presence with me as I go about my day. Yes, I talk to Him. I most definitely spend time praising and worshiping Him. I also enjoy listening to sermons online, as well as reading the Word.

Last night when I went to bed my thoughts went toward today and the time I would be able to spend with Jesus. I realized I hadn't had much Jesus and me time all week. It made me sad. Think of your dearest friend, now think of the last time you spent with them. Was it today, yesterday, last week or last month? If you answered last month how does that make you feel? Distant, separated, alone? Does it make you crave time with them? If so, why do you crave time with them? Is it because you love how time with them makes you feel? Is it because you love them, cherish them and enjoy the deep heart connection you have with them? Perhaps when you are separated from them you feel incomplete or like you are missing something. This is exactly how I feel when I've not had my Jesus time.

I've been a Christian for most of my life, but that doesn't mean I have always walked in an intimate relationship with Him. In fact, my relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit really began about six years ago. In the past if you had asked me about my quiet time I would have said it was slim to none. From time to time I would be guilted into or feel obligated to spend time reading my Bible and my prayers were short and self-serving at that. Then there were crisis times when I suddenly became "fervent" in prayer, because of desperation and fear. Like I could actually put God in a box, store Him on the shelf, then pull the box off the shelf and blow off the dust when I needed Him...what a prideful way of thinking I had! Pure religion, devoid of relationship, reducing God to a genie in a bottle.

So, maybe you can relate to some of what I just shared and maybe you are wondering what is different now for me. Well, so glad you asked! Relationship, that's the difference. No longer am I fearful of God in a sense of having to perform for Him to meet the mark. Quite the opposite, I am drawn to His goodness. Anything I do for Him I do out of the overflow He has so generously poured into me. I spend time with Him because I want to, not because I need to or should. I praise Him because without a way to express my gratitude and love for Him I just might explode! I talk to Him, because He is my friend and greatest confidant. The more I experience and encounter His heart the more passionately I grow in love with Him.

Let me attempt to tie this all together. Last week represented busyness. Our world as a whole is loud and always on the go...just like I felt our "break" was. Have we become so accustomed to drive thru living that we have equated our time with Jesus, our dearest friend and Savior, to drive thru as well? I'm calling it "grab and go Jesus." Grab and go Jesus makes me almost makes me sick...I can't help but wonder how it grieves His heart. Unlike the members of my family, Jesus doesn't raise His voice and become louder in order to gain our attention.

One of the reasons I started this blog was a desire to represent Him well. I feel the body of Christ has largely mis-represented God to the world, myself included. The more of the mystery of Christ I uncover, the more I want to share my findings.

In no way is this post meant to bring shame or guilt to anyone. Your time with Jesus is personal. There is no "set" amount of time you should spend with Him. I have discovered the more time I spend with Him, the more I want. As long as I was stuck in the process of "fulfilling the quota" I wasn't living in the fullness of joy being in His presence brings (see Psalm 16:11 NASB.)

We were created to be friends of God. Once you partake of friendship with Him, time with Him becomes a priority, something you purpose to make time for above all else. Last week among the busyness of fall break I didn't purpose to spend time with Him and I was left feeling empty as a result.

Intimacy with the Father is something I love writing about. I hope this post has sparked desire in your heart, or rekindled a flame that may have been smothered out by busyness. Can you hear Him calling you or has He been drowned out by the noise of this world? Spending time with my closest Friend makes my soul sing! I refuse to settle for "grab and go Jesus," what about you?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Complaints Not Welcomed Here

"Complaining is to the devil what praise is to God." When I saw this quote from Bill Johnson, I knew there was great truth in it.

Praise is our way of acknowledging God, of keeping Him on the throne of our life. Praise is one way we show our love and thankfulness to God. Praise keeps us mindful of His presence and focused on His heart.

In His presence we find peace, strength, rest, love, comfort, joy and much more! Living from His presence equips us to live a Spirit filled life, bringing heaven to earth, advancing His kingdom. This is the will of God...and praise is the key to unlocking all of it! Just writing about it sets my heart on fire... Praise, Presence and three favorite words beginning with the letter "p!" I might just tuck that away for a title of a future blog post;)

I guess you know where this is going...if praise empowers God in our lives, what or Who does complaining empower? Keep in mind the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. Jesus came to give us abundant life (see John 10:10.) Praise leads to abundance and fulfillment. Complaining sets your eyes on the work of the enemy...actually, complaining comes into agreement with the enemy.

Now, I'm not saying there isn't room for constructive criticism. Constructive criticism has its place to bring about betterment of ourselves and others. Constructive criticism should offer a plan of action, something you can do to make the situation better. Please do not confuse the two:)

Complaining can be driven by a critical spirit, jealousy, or rejection, to name a few sources. A chronic complainer most likely is not living a life of fulfillment, joy or peace in Christ. I know. I was one.

Let's take a look at some scriptures first about the tongue in a negative sense:

Proverbs 4:24 "Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips."

Proverbs 10:19 "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise."

Proverbs 12:16 "A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult."

Proverbs 13:3 "He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin."

Proverbs 21:23 "He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity."

Philippians 2:14 "Do everything without complaining or arguing."

WOW! There's more where those came from...if you want more conviction camp out in Proverbs for awhile... WARNING: Wear closed toe shoes!

On a more positive note, let's take a glance at some verses on praise and words of life:

Psalms 34:8-9 from the Message, "Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see-how good God is. Blessed are you who run to Him. Worship God if you want the best, worship opens doors to all His goodness."

Proverbs 10:11 "The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life!"

Proverbs 15:15b "A cheerful heart has a continual feast."

Proverbs 16:24 "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."

Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."

I could continue, but I think you get the concept.

I posed a challenge on my Facebook yesterday to go the entire day without complaining. Many of my Facebook friends participated. Some shared they were successful with not speaking complaints aloud, but still struggled to take the thoughts captive. That's awesome! The first step is learning to recognize it before it leaves your lips!

At one point in the day I realized I had talked less, not wanting a complaint or critical comment to leave my mouth. Guess there is much wisdom in Proverbs 10:19 about when words are many, sin is not absent:) Lesson less!

Having success in the challenge was empowering to me. I felt wonderful and my spirit was uplifted. Our words really do carry much power, either to bless or to curse. I want to bless.

You might be thinking, "Amy, this all sounds good, but really, no complaining...I think I might explode!" God knows our humanness and His Word is full of instruction. Let's take a peek at some:

Psalm 62:8 "Trust in Him at all times, O' people, pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge."

Psalm 142:1 "I cry aloud to the Lord; I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy. I pour out my complaint before Him; before Him I tell my trouble."

I am so thankful for David! Don't you just love how honest he is? He doesn't try to sugar coat or downplay what's bothering him. He just tells God exactly what he is feeling. What an awesome example for us! There have been many times when I have gone into my bedroom closet and beat the floor with my fist because I was mad at God. He's God and, trust me, He can handle it. By pouring my heart out to Him I was able to express the deep emotions of my heart, as ugly as they were, in the safety of His presence. The wonderful thing about it was I left the "ugly" at His feet and came out the other side of the rant session with His perspective and peace.

Honestly, when I back-up my truckload of complaints and dump them on a friend or, more likely, my husband I might feel better temporarily, but without addressing the root of what feeds my need to complain, any relief is fleeting. Have you ever listened to someone rant and rave? Ever felt slimed by it? It is very draining to be in relationship with a chronic complainer or critical person...again I know...I was one.

There are times when you need to share your heart with a friend or spouse in order to get Godly counsel or perspective...but hopefully your "venting" doesn't sound like the teacher on Charlie Brown, "wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah."

I have heard it takes 21 days to form a new habit. It is my desire to live a complaint free lifestyle. I am purposing for 21 days to not complain in hopes of it becoming a habit!

If you are interested in learning more about the important connection between our emotions and our health I suggest you read "Deadly Emotions" by Don Colbert, M.D. For more on speaking blessings check out "Blessing Your Spirit" by Sylvia Gunter and Arthur Burk.

If you are interested in participating in "21 days to a complaint free lifestyle" join with me in this prayer.

Dear Daddy, I am so thankful You have empowered me to change. You are taking me from glory to glory and I am being transformed into the likeness of Jesus. I want to live a life in complete surrender and praise to You. I want my words, thoughts and actions to reflect Your heart. I want to empower You, Daddy, to move in my life and the lives of those around me. I want my life to reflect Your heart to a broken and dying world. I want others to see the difference You have made in me and are continuing to make in me. Teach me, Holy Spirit, to talk and live like Jesus did. May I know the difference between complaining and Godly rebuke and correction. May my words be spirit as Your words are Spirit, spirit that brings life, not death. Daddy forgive me for the many times my words have spoken death and criticism that has been destructive. I break agreement with the power I have given the enemy through my ungodly words. I purpose to pour out my heart like water before You and bring my complaints to You. Instruct me Lord. Give me Your perspective, align my heart with Your heart. I want to reflect You! I love You, Daddy. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, I love You, I love You, I love You, I praise You! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Imperative Word for the Body of Christ

Don't you just love it when God really wants you to hear a word He will repeat it several times until you've heard it? When listening to sermons, doing Bible study or talking with people I often hear words from the Lord. They pierce my heart and I think to myself, "wow, that was good." Then, other times, I hear the same word in different contexts, through many different venues and it's those times my spirit comes to complete attention. It's like the Lord saying to me, "Amy, wake up, this is really important. I not only want you to hear this, I want you to act on it." I have heard such a word in the last two weeks and now I am going to "act on it."

Repentance, it's important. No, let's take it further, it's imperative. Without repentance we cheapen the gift of grace.

Russell and I visited a church in Leiper's Fork, Tennessee a couple of Sundays ago. In case you are wondering where Leiper's Fork is, it is somewhere in the boonies near Franklin. Great place, you really should visit:)

We pulled up to the church and there on the sign it read, "Those who mourn will find comfort" or something like that. The pastor is doing a series on the Beatitudes and this particular week they were on Matthew 5:4, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

I must admit when I read the sign I wasn't too excited. I thought the message would be depressing. You know what they say about assumptions...

The pastor went into detail about the word "mourn." Of course to mourn means to grieve due to loss, but in this context it is more accurately referring to Godly sorrow. Sin makes God sorrowful, it grieves His heart. Sin should also grieve ours.

Let's look at II Corinthians 7:10 , "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death." (NIV)

Now the same verse in the Message "Distress that drives us to God does that. It turns us around. It gets us back in the way of salvation. We never regret that kind of pain. But those who let distress drive them away from God are full of regrets, end up on a deathbed of regrets."

The pastor went on to say he feels as believers we are uncomfortable with confronting other's sin and we downplay the need for repentance. For example, when a sister or brother comes to us and confesses a sin, perhaps looking for accountability and/or encouragement we are quick to say, "hey man, don't worry about it, it's no big deal." We downplay the seriousness of sin because it makes us uncomfortable to really look at it face to face. Probably because we too struggle with similar sin and to confront it in another turns the spotlight on our own hearts as well.

We are instructed in James 5:16 to confess our sins to one another so healing may come. Confession is part of repentance. Repentance is part of a Godly lifestyle if we want to live in the abiding place referred to in Psalm 91:1.

As the body of Christ we must stop sugar coating sin. Let's call it what it is!

Now, in effort to convey a balanced scriptural view on the subject I must say I do not believe anyone should wallow in guilt or condemnation. Holding onto sin and allowing the enemy to tell us we are dirty or unworthy is a denial of what Christ did on the cross.

Remembering one of my favorite verses Romans 2:4, "God's kindness leads you toward repentance." It is His goodness that draws us to repent because the Holy Spirit in us is grieved by sin. Going back to the beatitude, "blessed are those that mourn, for they will be comforted." Godly sorrow brings repentance and repentance brings forgiveness and forgiveness releases healing and freedom...and nothing is more comforting then that!

Papa God continued to speak to me about repentance at the conference I just attended. The conference theme was glory and intimacy. A line I wrote down in my notes was "clean conscience by repentance." You see, it is clear, repentance is necessary for those who want to walk more intimately with the Father. Not because we have to be "good enough," or "perfect," but because sin puts up a wall between us and our Daddy. I want what grieves Him to grieve me.

Let's take this up a notch and move from personal repentance to corporate repentance. I believe repentance is a good word for the current state of our nation. I am reminded of II Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

This verse is quoted often when people are focused on the doom and gloom state of the government, economy, culture, etc. But I want to warn you don't be so quick to claim this verse without reading it carefully. Notice it clearly states we are to "turn from wicked ways." This is repentance in a nutshell.

Do you see the cause and effect pattern in this verse? Calling on His name leads to humility, where we fall on our face seeking His. When we truly seek His face we are struck with our need for repentance. Repentance clears the lines between us and heaven so we hear His voice. We then are able to receive forgiveness and healing! Isn't that amazing?!?!

Pointing the finger at one political party or person isn't the answer. Rioting, boycotting, name calling, petitioning, etc aren't the answer. Repentance is the answer, it's right there in the Book!

You might be wondering what this has to do with you? May I suggest it starts with you? Humble yourself and confess and repent from the sins of our fathers. Yes, you can repent for past generations in order to bring about change for future generations!

I have recently participated in such intercession. I was lead to repent for the sins of pride, rebellion and fear for myself and this region. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to your heart what sins on behalf of your region and you, personally, need to repent for.

This blog has taken two different courses, thank you for staying with me. In short, walk in a lifestyle of repentance for yourself, then do your part to bring about repentance for your city, state and nation. Then praise God for His faithfulness to honor His promise to "heal," in your heart and your land!

I thank You, Papa God, that Your kindness and goodness is what leads us to repentance! I want my heart so in line with Yours, that I am grieved when You are grieved! Thank you in advance for healing my heart and healing my truly does make My Soul Sing!

Friday, September 10, 2010

At the Foot of the Cross

When is the last time you visited the foot of the cross? Was it at your salvation? A weekend retreat? When someone you love was very ill and needed a miracle? After a moving sermon during an altar call?

For me, it was yesterday morning. No frills, no pomp, no moving sermon or fancy worship manipulating pastor with good intentions to move his flock closer to Jesus. No, none of that, just a hurting heart and a need to lay it down at His feet.

I knew I was hurt, even angry. What I didn't realize is I needed to forgive. A phone call from a sweet sister who asked the question, "how are you?" was all it took for the waterworks to begin. My reply, "I'm a mess." She asked, "what are you a mess about?" Me, "I don't know."

I got my breath and then my heart started to speak. The issues were soon defined and out in the open. Her reply, "well, Amy, you know the first thing you are going to need to do is forgive."

Really? Forgive? Something I walk people through on a weekly basis and it hadn't even crossed my mind I needed it in my own situation! Yes, we really do need the body (of Christ) to guide us along the narrow path when our "stuff" (aka baggage) is blocking our ability to see and hear God's direction for ourselves. Forgiveness is exactly what was needed.

Holding on to un-forgiveness will almost always block your intimacy with the Father. Now, if you aren't intimate with Him to begin with, you may not be able to relate to that statement. Building an intimate relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit has been my life purpose the last few years and I definitely recognize when there is a block.

There is nothing more discouraging and frustrating then feeling I can't connect with Him. When all I can pray is, "oh, God" and it is seemingly quiet on the other end of the dialogue. Because that is what prayer should be, a dialogue, between you and Him. If we stay focused on ourselves and our "stuff," prayer will be all about our needs/wants and we will completely miss out on the relationship He wants with us. If we are focused on Him, it will be a time of dialogue. He will speak to your heart. One of the goals of *inner healing* is to develop this kind of intimacy with our Daddy.

Where were we...oh yes, forgiveness. So, as I sat at my kitchen counter with my cup of coffee, I started to forgive, "I choose to forgive (name here) for (offense here) and how it made me feel (list of feelings/emotions tied to the offense.) I cancel the debt they owed me to (what they should have done/or my perception of what they should have done, or not done.) Lord, I break agreement with any judgments I made about them and ask you to forgive me. I release them from all my expectations to meet my needs. I turn to You, Father God, to meet my needs and heal all my pain. In Jesus Name, Amen."

I went through this process for each person and then heard the Father gently say, "forgive yourself." Yeah, right! God, I really need to go brush my teeth and get ready to leave for my appointment this morning...catch that self forgiveness later, okay?

I went about my business and couldn't get away from the gentle nudge of Holy Spirit saying, "forgive yourself."

Knowing I wanted my peace back I complied, reluctantly. It went something like this:

I choose to forgive myself for being hard on myself, for resenting myself for allowing this situation to come between me and Papa God. I choose to forgive myself for punishing myself with verbal condemnation and condemning thoughts. I choose to forgive myself for not accepting God's forgiveness in this matter, by making a choice to hold onto the pain. I choose to forgive myself for speaking curses over myself and those involved. For losing my patience and yelling. I choose to forgive myself for opening the door to the enemy in my life, even though I know better! I choose to forgive myself for going to bed angry. I choose to forgive myself for not trusting God to work this together for my good. I choose to forgive myself for setting standards that are too high for me or anyone else in my life to meet and for withholding love because they don't meet them.

Ugly, huh? See why I needed to verbalize that and lay it at His feet?

So, again, I ask you, "when was the last time you visited the foot of the cross?" In inner healing circles we call this "doing kingdom business." DKB is a lifestyle. It isn't just for those moments of intense emotional pull mentioned at the beginning of this post. As soon as Holy Spirit brings it to your mind, you need to make the effort and the choice (oh, it's definitely a choice.)

More often than not it will be done in the presence of One, perhaps at your kitchen counter, maybe in the car, in your quiet time...although there are times when you need the body to come along side you and be your eyes and ears.

James 5:16, "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."

If you've not experienced this power in prayer maybe it is because you have isolated yourself. You've tried to handle it quietly, on your own and without the support of others. Maybe you're ashamed, embarrassed, or afraid. It's why I wrote this post. I want to share with you the freedom that comes with transparency. Light exposes darkness...every time!

None of us are perfect. Releasing pain, un-forgiveness, sin, etc. is part of every Christian's walk. There is no condemnation in it, only healing, forgiveness and FREEDOM!

I invite you to the foot of the cross...a place of restoration and redemption. To listen to a song about the foot of the cross go here and listen to this beautiful song by Kathryn Scott.

Releasing and receiving forgiveness at the foot of the cross makes My Soul Sing!

*Inner Healing* If you are interested in receiving inner healing or learning more about what inner healing is, please visit Growing in Grace Ministries website at Check out the Sozo ministry link. I invite you to come and experience freedom, healing and deliverance!

Monday, August 30, 2010

All you had to do was give it to Me

It has been awhile since I've written a post that is one part confession and one part exhortation:) I pray the Father speaks to you through this personal revelation.

My husband and I joined a small group. It met for the first time last night. This isn't your typical "new" small group because many of us were already in covenant relationship with each other. This level of intimacy allowed us to skip over the formalities and awkwardness of getting to know one another and get right to business. We each were asked to share up to three prayer requests.

As I listened to those who went before me I was thinking of what my requests would be. My thoughts went to several on going prayer needs within my family, but I knew none of these were what the Lord was wanting me to share with the group. He wanted me to get personal and share my heart.

Ironically, it took me awhile to realize what the concern of my heart was. I didn't go to the meeting thinking anything was weighing heavy on my heart. In hindsight I realized I couldn't have been more wrong!

My turn to share came and out of my mouth came an earnest desire of my heart. It was a mama's cry. I can not share the details, but just know it was a burden, one I didn't fully realize the weight of...

We had a time of prayer and left agreeing to lift one another up in the days and weeks ahead.

As I was driving my younger daughter to school this morning I noticed a shift. The very thing I had shared in my request was different this morning. Hmmm? I thought to myself. It was then I heard His voice, "all you had to do was give it to Me." Ding, ding, DUH!

For a brief moment I entertained the condemning thought, "how could you miss that, Amy?" I was quick to go back to the revelation my Daddy had given me...

"All YOU had to do was give it to Me."

"All you had to DO was give it to Me."

"All you had to do was GIVE it to Me. "

" All- you- had- to- do- was- give- it- to- Me."

I consider myself an intercessor. I love to pray. I love to listen for His heartbeat; the heartbeat of heaven and release what I hear the Father say into the environment around me. I love to intercede on the behalf of others. But what I had missed was a personal need. What I realized is I had tried to "fix" it myself. Trying to cope in my strength. How I know this doesn't work! DUH! "All you had to do was give it to Me."

It wasn't that I didn't think God cared about this need, or that He was too just wasn't on my radar until I spoke it out...when I heard my voice admit to the group this issue was robbing me of peace I knew the gravity of the issue. Living in a place of His peace is something I jealously guard and voraciously treasure. "All you had to do was give it to Me."

In my heart I know the prayer is answered, it's a done deal. The situation is back in His capable hands because I have removed mySELF out of the equation. The burden is where it was meant to be all His feet. He gave me His easy yoke in exchange for my weighty burden! (Matthew 11:28-30)

Perhaps you are reading this and He has brought an issue, situation or need to your mind. Have you given it to Him? Maybe you have given it to Him only to pick it back up? Hopefully you are able to lay it down and leave it at the foot of the cross, remembering there is no limit to how many times you can do so. If you feel like it's been a seemingly never ending cycle, shake off any condemnation and lay it down again...and leave it there. "All you had to do was give it to Me."

Papa, I thank You. I thank You for being accessible 24/7/365. I thank You for longing for me to come to You with the heaviest of burdens and the smallest of burdens, because in Your eyes they are equally important. I thank You for placing me in a community who generally cares about my well being. I thank You I was designed to live in community where transparency brings healing. You are a good and loving Father. You long for me to depend on You, trust in You and come to You. My Soul Sings because all I had to do was give it to YOU!

*If you are personally struggling with a burden and want a safe place to share, I would love to pray for you. You can send me a private message by Facebook:)

Friday, August 20, 2010

I've got the POWER!

In my last post I promised a second post that would take a look at how we empower the enemy to wreck havoc in our lives. As with all my posts I take a look at the subject from my experience with it. This isn't a complete look at spiritual warfare, nor is it a complex one.

If you haven't read the previous post I recommend you start there, because I will refer to it.

In review: Adam and Eve relinquished authority when they chose to sin in the garden. Notice I said chose. Yes, they were given a choice, just like you and I are given choices everyday. Jesus came to fulfill the law, died and was resurrected which gave us back all authority.

Short and sweet, every victory we will ever need on this earth has been purchased by His death on the cross....EVERYTHING! If you deny this, you are denying the finished work of the cross!

If we have been given the power to defeat Satan and his minions why is it the body of Christ isn't walking in greater victory? There are many answers to this question and I'm only going to cover a couple of what I believe to be some valid answers.

First, I believe the body of Christ doesn't understand and fully take advantage of her identity in Christ. Instead of believing and acting upon the truth we are over comers in Christ, we walk around as if Satan is always nipping at our tails. Romans 8:37 tells us we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!

Matthew 28:18 Jesus tells us all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him. Jesus gives us the kingdom His Father conferred on Him in Luke 22:29. He gave us the keys to the kingdom in Matthew 16:19. Our weapons of warfare in II Corinthians 10:4 have divine power to demolish strongholds. In Ephesians 6:10-18 we are instructed about the full armor of God. Bottom line, friends, we are powerful and we are protected in and by the name and blood of Jesus Christ!

Secondly, because we undermine our God given power and, inadvertently, deny our identity in Christ, we base our beliefs on what circumstances and situations look like in this fallen world. I call this eyes on the natural. When we do this we can't help but pick up some ungodly beliefs (aka, lies) along the way. Lies about our identity, lies about the work of the cross, lies about God, etc...It is here we get into what is referred to as "open sin doors."

An open sin door is referring to ways we open the door to the enemy to work in our life. Now, most of us don't purposefully open the door when we are choosing to live for Christ. When many think of open doors to the enemy they think of blatant rebellion towards God such as a lifestyle of drugs, sexual promiscuity, stealing, witchcraft, pornography, etc. Christians don't normally like to think of ways they commonly open the door to Satan through such sins as fear, worry, stress, anxiety (to name a few.)

For the sake of this post we will use fear as an example of an open sin door.

Let's use Job for our example. Most people refer to Job as a man of God, living a life of holiness, blessing and righteousness. What we miss is one little verse in Job 3:25. In all my years of "church" and hearing the story of Job it wasn't until a few years ago I caught this. Job 3:25, "What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me." If we read by it too quickly we miss the fact that Job opened the door to the enemy through his sin of fear. Yes, fear is sin. All throughout the Bible we are told to fear is obviously important.

If you've been reading my blog for awhile you will know one of my favorite verses is I John 4:18. I don't pass up an opportunity to use it, so here goes: "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

As Danny Silk says often in his "Loving Our Kids On Purpose" curriculum, "fear is the mortal enemy of love." Just as fear displaces love, love displaces fear. Fear is not from God! As His children we were not created to fear anything or anybody other than God!

I could probably write a book on ways many Christians (myself included) open the door to the enemy through fear, worry, stress and anxiety. I hope my point has been made clear in this brief example of using fear as the open door.

When we walk in fear we empower the enemy by believing lies such as: "I am not safe. God will not protect me. I am not worthy of protection. I deserve the bad in my life." Any time we place our circumstances above the truth of God's character we are opening ourselves up for trouble. God is either who He says He is or He isn't. What or who are you choosing to empower?

*You may be asking where do I start? You start with your thinking. A renewed mind (Romans 12:2) is key to your success in walking out your God given destiny. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you beliefs you have that do not line up with His truth. Break agreement with those lies and ask Him to tell you what His truth is, then declare that truth over yourself, write it down, journal it, study scripture that backs it up. Meditate on Truth, the promises of God and who God says you are until the truths He shows you are deeply rooted in your heart.

When faced with lies or negative thoughts cast them down (II Cor. 10:5) and go back and feed yourself on the Truth. Do you see the cycle? I can assure you after years of believing so many lies I continually have to go back and remind my heart of the truth, say the truth, sing the truth, pray the truth and declare the truth. To encourage you I must admit this has worked marvelously well, but it has been a lifestyle for me, not just something I do in times of crisis! You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free (John 8:32.)

I saw a quote on Twitter recently that basically said, "as a believer you can know you are doing something good for God when you sense the enemy at your door." I disagree with this statement, emphatically! Yes, the enemy is looking for opportunity, but you first have to open the door to him.

One such way you could in the scenario of doing good work for the Lord is to allow yourself to become puffed up with pride. Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." The open door here would be pride. Let's also not forget false humility/self abasement is also pride, because it is still focus on self. If I am doing something good for the Lord I don't want to be focused on Satan, but the glory of my awesome God! Satan isn't worthy of our time or attention!!!!!

If you sense the enemy, stop and ask the Lord to show you the open door, then close it and choose to keep it closed!!!! Sensing the enemy at work isn't something to fear either...the Lord will allow Satan to trigger issues and situations in your life He is wanting to address and HEAL! I think sometimes it is easier to wallow in the mire of "being attacked" then it is to take a hard look at issues and pain in your heart the Lord is wanting to talk about so He can bring healing. From experience I can tell you it is hard, but the other side of "doing kingdom business" with Jesus is beautiful and free!

As always, it is not my desire to change your thinking or to debate theology, but to give you something to think about and search out with the Lord on your own:)

Living a life with Satan under my feet and basking in a life filled with a glorious abundance of love, freedom and grace in my Abba Daddy truly makes My Soul Sing!

*If you are having trouble knowing how to begin this process and are near the Chattanooga, TN area, Growing in Grace Ministries can help you. GGM is where I minister in the area of inner healing. You can go here and check out our Sozo ministry. We can teach you how to hear the voice of God and live a life replacing lies with truth, walking in greater victory and deeper intimacy with the Father. Check us out!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

God and the Boogie Man

Those of you with children raised during the Veggie Tale era will recall the song "God is bigger than the boogie man." This is a profoundly true statement! But, how many of us live like the opposite is true?

Okay, so maybe not the opposite...but how many of us, if we were really honest, have subconsciously lived like Satan is an equal opponent to God? Our head knowledge tells us otherwise, but the way we live sometimes tells another story.

It wasn't too long ago that I might have believed and/or said the following statements, "God is moving in a mighty way in my life and I can tell Satan doesn't like it" (then living anticipating an attack) or "Because I'm engaged in spiritual warfare I've opened myself up to an attack of the enemy" or chalking up everything going wrong in my life to spiritual warfare.

Now when I hear statements similar to these, I cringe. What I have come to realize is by believing these statements we are in essence making Satan an equally equipped opponent of God...he is NOT! Beliefs like this also bring attention to the enemy, in a way I feel like they glorify him. Instead of focusing on how big our God is we are looking for the devil behind every bush...expecting a move on his part.

I believe in living from heaven to earth. After all scriptures tells us we are seated in heavenly places with Christ (see Ephesians 2:6.) If we are heavenly minded, living from a renewed mind (Romans 12:2) we are less likely to empower Satan. Yes, you read that correctly...I believe we empower him.

Now, I've told you before I'm no theologian. I am no Bible scholar by any stretch of the imagination...but I have the Holy Spirit as my Teacher and this is where I have landed...

Adam and Eve lived with authority over every living thing, free from sin, in the garden before the fall. After the fall they lost their authority. The rest of the Old Testament tells of a forthcoming Savior and our need for a Redeemer. In the New Testament Jesus comes and fulfills the law . His death, burial and resurrection give us back all authority in His name (Matthew 28:18.)

Jesus gave us back what Adam and Eve lost. This is the simplified version...and I certainly do like simple:)

After coming to this simple truth I realized I had not lived from this perspective and therefore I had forfeited the resurrection power of Jesus Christ and the indwelling presence Holy Spirit give me. I had not been living in my inheritance as a disciple called to do greater works (John 14:12.)

Bill Johnson puts into words best what this post is trying to convey:

"Don't live in reaction to darkness, instead live in response to Truth."

"If we live in reaction to the devil, he sets our agenda. He is not worthy. We are to live in response to God."

So what has this looked like when practically applied to my life? I live with my eyes focused upward. I feed my mind on Truth. I cast down any negative thoughts (II Corinthians 10:5.) When discouragement comes I purpose to look to the Father and ask Him how He sees the situation. Though I am aware of the enemy, I do not look for him or expect him to automatically try to thwart the plans God has for my life. If you are looking for the enemy chances are you aren't looking toward God.

We've only just scratched the surface on this topic. You may be thinking I am an ostrich with my head in the sand. Trust me, I know ignoring the enemy won't make him go away and I am fully aware of that. My next post will talk about how we give the enemy authority in our lives by opening the door to sin in our lives. Revelation of this has impacted my life in ways I can't even describe, but I will attempt to in my next post!

In the mean time I encourage you to spend less time looking for or out for Satan and more time renewing your mind with the Sword of Truth! The battle is fought and won in your by all means, RENEW IT daily!

Living from heaven to earth, renewing my mind and focusing on Jesus has empowered me to walk victoriously and this makes my soul not only sing, but shout, "Thank you, Jesus!"

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mediocre to Magnificent Part Two

I'm back! I know you are all dying to read part two:) Don't you just hate it when you read a good fiction book that is part of a series and you have to wait until the next one to find out the end of the story...Karen Kingsbury series come to mind. I read one in less than 24 hours and can hardly wait for the next one to be published. Well, that was back in the day when I read for entertainment, who has time for that anymore?

Gasp, did I just compare my little blog series with a Kingsbury novel? Pretty bold and assuming of me, eh?

Now, where were we...oh yes, marriage, my marriage to be exact.

In the last post I talked about how I realized in order to bring life to my marriage I had to do something with myself. I not so sheepishly told all you readers you are only responsible for you. Really, I can't stressed that enough.

Many times in talking with women who are struggling in their marriages their focus is on their husband. If only he would..., if only he would say..., if only he would do..., if only he wouldn't do... You can fill in the blanks. Ladies, you can not change your husband. No amount of nagging, begging, pleading or change him prayers will work. God gave us each free will, any change made is our choice.

Russell and I attended a marriage seminar this past weekend. It was phenomenal! If you ever have a chance to attend a
"Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" by Mark Gungor do it!

Mark talks about how to relate to your spouse, not turn them into another version of yourself. I wholeheartedly agree! In essence we are asking the question, "why can't you be more like me?" Making our spouse into another us is not the way to a better marriage.

After several years of walking through inner healing and aligning my thoughts to God's truth, I actually like me. Russell no longer has to tip toe through my emotional minefield on a daily basis which has changed the atmosphere in our home. A happy and fulfilled wife makes for a happy least most of the time:)

So, how did we get here? Let's talk about some of the principles in play in my marriage that may spark some revelation in yours.

* First and foremost, find your fulfillment and identity in Jesus Christ alone. No man can ever fulfill your expect one to do so is setting yourself and the relationship up for failure. It is humanly impossible for any person to meet all our expectations. Releasing others from your expectations not only sets you free, it sets them free.

* Take your hurts to Jesus. Your husband can not fix you. Sure he can bring you comfort and support, but ultimately Jesus is the only one who can heal your pain.

* Work on you. Allow Jesus to mold you and shape you into His image. Hope you're not counting how many times I've said this:) It really is a key ingredient.

* Respect your husband. Never cut him with your words. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. This doesn't mean you can't express how you feel. You can and you should. But never put him down in order to make your point or in an effort to get revenge. Never intentionally accuse him or berate him. VERY IMPORTANT!!!!

* Encourage him.

* Appreciate him and tell him often how much. Determine his best qualities and praise him in those areas.

* knew it would come up eventually. Ladies, men NEED it!!!! Never withhold sex as a means of revenge or's just plain selfish to do so. Believe me, there was a time I was highly selfish in this area.

* Never berate your husband to your children. They need the security of knowing you love their father. Also remember you are modeling to your daughters what a wife should look like. If you nag your husband, they will learn this behavior and most likely will someday nag theirs. Husbands (if there are any out there that have read this far) remember you are modeling to your sons what a Godly husband looks like. Dads to girls you are modeling what a husband looks like to your daughters...treat them like royalty and they won't settle for second best, selling themselves short. Behavior is learned, not taught...what are your actions teaching?

* Never go to bed angry. Seek reconciliation first. Even if you are right (or think you are right:) in an argument or disagreement be the first to bridge the gap. It's just not worth it to let anger fester into bitterness.

* Don't be afraid to say you are wrong when you are wrong. Pride does nothing but build a wall between you and the one you love.

* Put your marriage before your children. Time with your spouse is priority. It is challenging when the children are young, but it will pay in dividends in the long haul. Make it happen!

* Forgive quickly, don't harbor unforgiveness in your heart for lengthy periods of time.

Lengthy list, I am sure you can add to it and make it your own. Since I'm a wife I am primarily talking to wives, but husbands can glean from these principles as well!

It might be a good time to add I am not perfect, my husband is not perfect and our marriage is not perfect. However, we are honestly more in love and more connected now then in all our 18 years of marriage. I give God all the glory, but I also want to brag on my man a bit.

Russell Dover has a servant's heart the size of Texas. He serves naturally, it is second nature to him. He sees dishes in the sink, he washes them. Load of laundry in the basket, he folds it. When our girls were babies he changed many dirty diapers. I could write an entire post on how he serves me and the girls, but I want you to still like me and that might provoke a good dose of envy:)

He has always believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. When I have a dream, he does everything in his ability to see it come to life. Making me happy, makes him happy. As I grow and mature in my love for Jesus, and my husband, I live to return this happiness to him. He can accomplish whatever he sets his mind to accomplish and I have a part in that by encouraging him and believing in him.

In the seminar Mark made a statement that most affairs don't begin for sexual reasons, they begin for emotional ones. As wives if we aren't believing in our husbands, being their number one cheerleader, someone else might come in and fill that role. So, get out your pom-poms and 2-4-6-8 who do you appreciate? Your hubby!

Russell makes me feel safe. Ultimately I know my defender and protector is God, but it sure is nice having a husband who models God to me here on earth. When my world seems to be in chaos, Russell helps me put situations into perspective...he keeps me balanced. We are a team.

If you have read this and thought to yourself, well that's just peachy for her, but I don't have this kind of marriage...I want to encourage you that you can. Where to start? Start at the beginning, work on you. While you are working on you love, love, love your man. Die to self and do for him sacrificially. If you wait on him to start the process you might be waiting a very long time.

I Peter 3:1 talks about how wives are to win over their husbands. The context is winning over an unbelieving husband, but the same principle applies to winning over husbands in general. When I started making changes I didn't announce to Russell, "today, you have a new wife. I've decided to turn from being negative and critical to loving and encouraging." No, he would have to see it to believe, so I started walking it out in front of him, winning him over without words. Ladies, I have to tell you, it didn't take long for him to notice or respond.

I don't share our marriage with you to discourage you or make you envious. I share our story to impart hope. Nothing is impossible for God. No marriage is too far gone He can't restore it and redeem it. Perhaps your marriage is good, but you desire it to be magnificent...what are you waiting for? The God of all creation can take you from mediocre to magnificent, ask Him to show you the way!

Spending a lifetime with my terrific hubby, growing in love and grace together surely does make My Soul Sing!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Time Schedule

Hi Friends in Blogland! Just stopping by to say hello. I have not disappeared, nor have I forgotten you or my 2nd post in the marriage series. This summer has proven to one of the busiest yet. I am my 14 year old's official taxi cab driver!

My hubby and I are attending a marriage seminar this weekend called, "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" by Mark Gungor. I am looking forward to it! Marriage maintenance is never a bad thing:) It's like an oil change for your car, your car runs better with regular preventive care:)

I have many topics swirling around in my head and my heart to blog about, so I hope to get back here soon. Until then, I invite you to catch up on my older posts. Enjoy your summer!

Much love!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mediocre to Magnificent Part One

If you haven’t read the previous post, take a minute and do will make this one more meaningful.

I can not tell you the day, not even the month or year I realized our marriage had changed. I don’t even remember the circumstances that brought it to my attention. One day I was simply watching my husband and thought to myself, “dang, he’s mine and he’s awesome. I can’t imagine being married to anyone else.”

Shortly after this revelation I was spending some time talking with Jesus when I heard Him speak to my heart, “Amy, I have taken your marriage from mediocre to magnificent.” I couldn’t have put it any other way!

Before we go any further let’s take a trip down Amy and Russell’s memory lane. We don’t have to go all the way to the beginning. Our early years were good, self-centered, but no major roadblocks. We were young and blissfully unaware of life’s trials. It wouldn’t be until shortly after the birth of our second daughter that are marriage vows would be put to the test, in the area of “in sickness and in health.”

Statistically speaking the odds are in our favor. Both sets of parents are still married. Divorce is never something we have ever even flippantly discussed. We both came from the mentality we would be married for, that’s not to say we were going down a road to a life of bliss. In hindsight I can see now it was quite the opposite. We were headed in the direction of co-existing.

I can remember sitting outside at a friend’s house, crying and pouring out my heart to her about our marriage. I didn’t feel we communicated, much less connected on an intimate level. My words to her basically summed up our relationship as roommates, occupying the same space, but not walking in the fullness of covenant God designed marriage to be.

If we had stayed on this path we would be the couple sitting across the dinner table from each other after the girls are grown and gone with absolutely nothing to say. Have you heard of empty nesters who realized a little too late they invested so much time and focus in their children’s lives and not enough in their marriage that when the kids were gone they no longer knew their mate, much less shared any dreams with them? I knew I didn’t want to be that kind of couple, so I set out to do something about it. This is when I realized I had to work on me.

Eventually I decided I wanted more in my relationship with God. I realized I didn’t know God as a loving Father, whom I could intimately know. Somewhere in this timeline God became my number one priority. Although I accepted Christ as my Savior at age six, I really didn’t begin a life changing walk with Him until I was about 31.

Looking back now, this is where my journey began, which brings me to the previous blog post and revelation I am only responsible for me. Let me repeat that, I AM ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ME. This is a foundational truth and it applies to you too. You are only responsible for YOU! Get this and you will be on your way to immeasurable freedom. By walking in this truth you will also remove yourself from being an obstacle in the way of God moving in the lives of those you love. He will allow you to play Holy Spirit in the lives of others as long as you choose to do so, but He is waiting for the day you give the job back to Him:)

God started addressing my “junk in the trunk” (and I don’t mean my back side, although there is certainly some junk there too:), no this junk was from the past and it was standing in the way of me fully realizing who I was in Christ. I knew my name, but I didn’t know who I was. As He began to reveal to me my identity I couldn’t get enough of Him. I searched, I prayed, I surrendered and beautiful things started taking place in my heart...and then one day I noticed they were also taking place in my hubby’s heart as well...and I had NOTHING to do with it, other than the fact I had let go of him and placed him in God’s capable keeping!

Transformed lives, transformed thinking and a transformed part two of “Mediocre to Magnificent” I will share with you the relationship I now have with my sweet Russell. I don’t share it to brag or boast, but to impart hope to those reading our story...and maybe give you the courage to let go and let God and watch Him bring renewal, restoration and (faithful readers, you probably can guess what comes next) REDEMPTION!

Marriage can be and should be a reflection of how Christ loves the body, His can be magnificent and this is why my soul sings!