Sunday, January 10, 2010

Moody Mama has two choices...

When you come to My Soul Sings I hope you will be inspired, encouraged, strengthened and challenged. I am an upbeat person and the style of my blogging will generally reflect the joy found in my heart. But, I'm also human and far from perfect....

Sometimes, I am a mother who losses her temper and yells at her children...a wife who nit picks her husband, especially when he is about to back end the car in front of us. Sometimes, I am a woman who, at the end of her frustration just earlier today, yelled, "stop the world, I want to get off!" Yes, I know, a tad bit dramatic...don't rub it in and, please, by all means, do not hold it against me.

Today is just one of those days where I wanted to yell, scream, bite someone's head off, or hit something and I can't, for the life of me, tell you why...and, no, it has nothing to do with PMS. Can I get a witness? Surely one or more of you out there know what I'm talking about?

So now I'm posed with a challenge and two options. I can either stay here in this yucky, "I hate the world and everything in it mode" or take the time to humble myself and say I'm sorry to my family for the miserable attitude I inflicted upon them. Holy Spirit within me says to go with the second option.

Each of us are faced with the same type of challenge from time to time. It may be something as trivial as having a moody mama day or it could have life altering implications. But, no matter our circumstances, we always have two choices. The kingdom of darkness wants us to choose to stay in the yuck, in defeat, in anger, in negativity, in hopelessness, in unforgiveness, in frustration...but the kingdom of heaven has much better options...Life, Victory, Hope, Peace, Joy, Love, Freedom, Healing and Restoration, to name but a few.*

This girl is choosing to rise above...because, quite frankly, I don't like feeling this way! It's going to take something far bigger than "moody mama" to steal my joy...and this is why My Soul Sings!

*Some situations require more than just an attitude change. If you need help, there is no disgrace in that. I work with a ministry equipped at setting the captives free. We would love to assist you.


  1. You go sister. I am loving your posts, you encourage me so much. I love you.

  2. All I can say today is "thank you" while I did not feel the need to nit pick or yell at my kids, I did feel the need to just be alone. it started out as a depressed state of mind, sorta "leave me alone" ish. while feeling the poor pitiful me I decided to do some yard work. in the cold. several hours later with the yard work done I ended up in front of a nice warm fire feeling the warmth of God spreading through me. How? I dunno. Why? cause He loves me just the way I am... all my faults, fears, anxieties etc... He made me the way He wanted to, who am I to doubt what He has done.

  3. Amy~ This one stings~ As I just experienced a night like this~ I screamed at my daughter in frustration about something lost (which by the way happens all the time at our home) & as I did it I felt the HOLY SPIRIT say to me~ Now was that the right thing to do? Then I remembered where in fact this lost article may be~ so I went & found the article that we needed early the next morning exactly where my thought process or JESUS revealed~ went to my daughter who had big alligater tears & told her how sorry I was~ ask for her forgiveness & we snuggled up together~ The End~ I do this way too much in my frustrated state of mind~Making a huge effort to change this!

  4. Yes! As a mom of two under two years of age, I can totally relate! I have to remind myself that they aren't trying to destroy my house or make things difficult! Lots of prayer has helped me overcome my temper. Thanks for being transparent and honest!
